Have you ever felt like something—or someone—was watching you? Ever sensed darkness in a well-lit room? Or wondered if a force beyond your control was working against you?

We love stories about angels, God's love, and divine protection. But we also have an enemy—a real, living adversary who comes to steal, kill, and destroy. As Ephesians 6:12 reminds us:

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."(NKJV)

I never expected to write The Victory Series—though the story has been stirring in my heart for years. The genre I love writing is historical romance with feel good HEA. I was building a following, winning awards, and loving my work. But as I wrapped up my last series, the Holy Spirit made it clear: Mara's story was next.

Mara's story comes from that deep place shaped by my own experiences with childhood abuse and a marriage under fire. While I wove in enough fiction to protect real-life people, the core truth of the book exposes the unseen spiritual battles that rage around us—both good and evil.

Mara is a tender soul suffering under the cruelty of an abusive mother, unaware that dark forces are actively plotting her destruction. The odds seem stacked against her, but she is not alone, just as we are never alone. Her guardian angel stands ready for battle. In this first book of a three-part series, Mara comes face-to-face with the evil behind her mother's attacks. She must make a choice: just as all of us must do…step into the darkness or turn toward the light.

This story is raw, gripping, and eye-opening, offering a powerful glimpse into the spiritual realm. It challenges the cultural belief that demonic activity is a relic of ancient times. Even Jesus Himself was tempted by the Devil and cast out evil spirits. These are not just old fables—they are truth. The world we live in today is still shaped by unseen battles, but as believers we are not left defenceless but have great power in prayer.

"You are of God, little children, and have overcome them (the darkness). Because He (Jesus) who is in you is greater than he (Satan) who is in the world." 1 John: 4:4

Yes, reading Mara, The Unseen Battle will entertain you. But more than that, it will deepen your faith, ignite your prayer life, and remind you that, though the war is real, the One who stands with us is victorious. You may even begin to see life's trials in a new light—because in Christ, we already have the victory.

Here is what best-selling suspense author Creston Mapes had to say about Mara The Unseen Battle.

"I've been watching and waiting for a powerful new voice in Christian fiction, and I've finally found it in Blossom Turner and her new thriller, Mara – The Unseen Battle. With spiritual warfare comparable to Frank Peretti, this book was powerfully spiritual and chillingly realistic. It had everything I love in a good novel — tension throughout, great pacing, unexpected twists and turns . . . I can't wait to read the second book in the series." — Bestselling Author Creston Mapes