By Blossom Turner on Monday, 24 March 2014
Category: Life Lesson

The Winds of Change

Today is my 100th post, and I feel a distinct need to change the focus of this blog. I will forever and always have a heart for those who suffer betrayal and are in the process of healing, but the winds of change are blowing through my life. A dominant message and theme emerges...Interactive ways in which to make our world a more positive place.

I need your story and would love to hear from you the reader...share an experience that has enriched the life of someone's day in some small way,  and I will will post your story. We will encourage the world together.

How did you make someone's day more positive today?

Did you talk to a stranger?

Did you encourage your spouse?

Did you love on your children in some random unexpected way?

Did you feed a homeless person?

Did you visit the elderly?

Were you kind to someone who was not kind to you?

Did you forgive the unforgiveable?

On and on the ideas flow as this gentle wind of the Spirit blows. Given time to marinate and mushroom this idea could touch the world in a profound way and you could be part of it.

Next week the stories begin...stay posted or post your story.

In the mean time listen to this inspiring song of hope by Kari Jobe called "Steady My Heart," and believe that a broken world can be healed through the kindness of everyday people who love as Jesus loved the world.
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