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The Beautiful Okanagan Valley
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Full Biography

Blossom Turner
Words of Heart, Hope, & Healing

Blossom Turner is a three-time Word Guild Award winner and a USA Carol Award finalist. She started writing late in life after raising a family, being a personal trainer, and partnering with her husband in a family business. Her characters and storytelling flow from her varied and often difficult life experiences and relationships.

Transparency and perspective take the fluff out of her historical romance writing and bring depth to the Christian suspense trilogy on spiritual warfare she is currently writing— The Victory Series. Blossom connects these two different genres of romance and suspense with authentic storytelling. Readers identify not only with the pain her characters survive but with the redemption of suffering found through a relationship with Jesus.

Blossom lives in Lake Country, British Columbia, Canada, with her husband David and their lovable Sheperd/Bernese dog, Lacey. She is blessed to have her son nearby and enjoys traveling to Germany where her daughter and son-in-law reside.

Blossom belongs to the American Christian Fiction Writers and the Word Guild Writers. She is also a leader and teacher in her local Word Guild writing group, a ministry that helps other authors along their path toward publication.

A love for Jesus and a heart for women’s ministry keeps Blossom involved in mentorship and teaching the Bible. Her life motto is to do the utmost for His Highest.

Blossom Turner is an award-winning author, multiple-time Canadian Word Guild Awards recipient, and ACFW Carol Award finalist who began her writing career later in life. An adventurer at heart, she enjoys skydiving, gardening, and singing for fun. She has been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul and other anthologies, worked as a newspaper columnist on health and fitness, and ultimately found her true passion in writing fiction with purpose. Her latest series, The Victory Series, brings to life spiritual warfare, weaving love, deep relationships, and hope into every page. She is also the author of the award-winning historical romance series The Shenandoah Brides, featuring five sisters and their love stories. Blossom and her husband, David, have two grown children and live in beautiful British Columbia, Canada, with their Shepherd/Bernese dog, Lacey. Learn more at


  • Between the Lines of Christian Fiction Podcast scheduled April 24
  • 2025 We’ve Got Books Podcast scheduled June 15, 2025

Press Release

Mara The Unseen Battle

Book One in the Victory Series

Short Bio

Blossom Turner is an award-winning author, multiple-time Canadian Word Guild Awards recipient, and ACFW Carol Award finalist who began her writing career later in life. An adventurer at heart, she enjoys skydiving, gardening, and singing for fun. She has been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul and other anthologies, worked as a newspaper columnist on health and fitness, and ultimately found her true passion in writing fiction with purpose. Her latest series, The Victory Series, brings to life spiritual warfare, weaving love, deep relationships, and hope into every page. She is also the author of the award-winning historical romance series The Shenandoah Brides, featuring five sisters and their love stories. Blossom and her husband, David, have two grown children and live in beautiful British Columbia, Canada, with their Shepherd/Bernese dog, Lacey. Learn more at

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