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I know it’s strange to think of pampering oneself in the midst of crisis, but it has a definite cathartic benefit.

Your reserves are low, your immune system is taxed due to stress, and your body is physically struggling to maintain health. A weekly massage, bubble bath with relaxing therapeutic oils, lunch out with a good friend, or taking time to read an encouraging book, are but a few ideas that can help relax the body.

Choose a luxury you may not normally allow and just do it. Find that slice of pleasure away from the heavy emotions, because you need the reprieve to help you maintain both physical and emotional health. Consider the time and money spent a necessity—a priority.

In a simplistic nutshell – place yourself in situation that forces relaxation of the mind, body and soul. This may be found in three different ideas, or all in one.

The MIND…force a distraction with a good movie, a book, special music, etc.

The BODY…force a distraction with a massage, a manicure/pedicure, or treat yourself to your favorite meal out.

The SOUL…pray, read the Word, find encouragement through talking to a Christian friend or counselor.

I found all three in one, because I had a good friend who was a massage therapist. She purposefully played my favorite music and prayed for me as her healing hands facilitated relaxation. I will ever be thankful to her for the extra time she spent to not only help my body relax, but to pray and show she truly cared.

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Monday, 21 October 2024

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