Thanks for joining me while I work through posting a chapter of my book called “Friendly Fire.” This chapter primarily deals with the difficulty of trusting in a good God when life is not good. If you have not read my blogs before, please go back to Part 1 and begin there for greater clarity.My healing could not move forward until I accepted the sovereignty of God. When I did, the “why” questions...
Australia, the land of my healing. Part 4
Dear reader, as you can see by the title this is an on-going series. If you have joined today, please go to the bottom and click on previous posts and begin at part 1 for greater clarity and benefit.AUSTRALIA, THE LAND OF MY HEALINGWhen I left for Australia, I understood very little of why this time away was important. Though I hugely benefited from the physical and emotional rest, over time the ...
Part 2...Christmas Letter...After the healing!
If you have not read last weeks entry, this week will not make much sense, so please read that first. (Go to the bottom and click on Previous Post.) The whole objective here is to paint a before and after picture. It is to give hope to those suffering from the pain of betrayal this Christmas believing they will forever be changed for the worst.This is not the case when God heals the broken heart. ...
Part 1...Christmas letter...Before the healing!
Dear Reader,Sorry I have not been available the past few weeks, we received a much needed holiday and rest. I came back feeling re-energized, re-focused and refreshed. However, from past experience, I know the pain of betrayal does not take a holiday. Thus, the next two weeks before Christmas, I will depict a before and after scenario...the pain I felt that first Christmas, and the healing that h...
From My Children's Perspective.
- Blossom Turner
- Before and After
- Life Lesson
- 2914 Hits
I have had numerous positive responses to my blog and few negatives, but this negative response got me thinking...I had of course received my husband and adult children's blessing before ever starting such a web site and it was for the very love of God and love of people I opened a very personal struggle up to the public. Sadly when we were in the midst of our pain we were shocked to find little ...
The Challenge of Communication after Betrayal
- Blossom Turner
- Before and After
- 2747 Hits
Last week I started a journal entry on how challenging communication is after betrayal...If you are just joining my blog please read last week first.JOURNAL CONTINUATION...The minute we got home, we both went our separate ways. Sleep evaded me so I opted to pray instead. It was one of those times the Spirit of God felt close.“What God? I cried into the darkness. "Can’t I just go to sleep and never...
I'm Still in this Marriage...but we can't talk anymore.
COMMUNICATION: WE CAN’T TALK WITHOUT FIGHTING!In the next few weeks I will write how difficult communication was after the damage of infidelity. I include this very personal journal entry for two reasons: to share honesty the damage done, and to give hope that healing is possible. Whether you choose to stay in the marriage or leave, healthy communication is essential especially if children are inv...
Can You Love When The Unlovely Prevails?
- Blossom Turner
- Before and After
- 2905 Hits
I had to ask myself this hard question. Can I love David after betrayal in our marriage?In answering this question I had to look at what love truly is.It is not the Hollywood fairytale rendition. After all if Hollywood and all its cream of the crop actors and actresses had the answers to love, there would not be endless betrayal and divorce among their ranks.So let’s throw out all preconceived ide...
I Will Never Trust Again!
- Blossom Turner
- Before and After
- 2812 Hits
- 1 Comment
“IN THE MOMENT” Every Monday I will include a journal entry of when I lived in that place of acute pain from betrayal. I include this raw and very personal reflection for one purpose only, to set the “before and after” stage. Every Wednesday I will tackle the subject of Monday's journal entry from a healed perspective. My hope and prayer is that these two drastically different scenarios will insti...