Back in the 70's when I was a teenager, (I know I'm dating myself,) our youth group started a study on Revelation. Back then there were no computers for the everyday person. We did not have desktops, laptops, iPads and phones that we carried around. Technology did not have the capability to place a mark on people and track them, and many small countries had not yet heard the gospel in their language. In other words, the possibility of many of the things spoken of in Revelation actually happening at that time seemed like something out of a sci-fi movie. Not so today. All is in place. Technology has advanced to such a place where ever...
And They Called It Puppy Love...NOT!
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 3836 Hits
Have you ever had a circumstance you did not want? Have you ever been angry at that someone who brought about that circumstance? Or possibly even God? Well I am going to be honest and transparent. I am in that place working my way through. This past weekend we got a puppy. A strong willed, nippy, mouthy, adorable puppy. Her name is Lacy but should be Looney. Whereas our last dog Lyla was a gift from God, so easy, and so special, this one is special needs on steroids. I am struggling. I did not want, nor need this chaos in my already busy life. I have a mammoth yard to care for all myself, a whole household as my husband is always working, and...
My Visit From A Swarm Of Honey Bees.
- Blossom Turner
- God Cares
- Names of God
- 3631 Hits
Wednesday afternoon I was having a low energy and low day emotionally. I was falling asleep at my computer when I was supposed to be writing, my eyelids heavy, my heart even more so. I decided a break in the fresh air and a little prayer would pick me up. I pulled out my dust ridden chair cushions and my lounger chair and found a pocket full of sunshine in my back yard. I laid back. Ahh, now this was a good decision. I looked up into the sky where puffy clouds scribbled the blue and was reminded of what my sister Donna always does. She keeps her eyes up. She has sent me so many beautiful cloud pictures because her eyes are fixed above, not do...
What Can One Learn on a Spring Walk?
- Blossom Turner
- God Cares
- Names of God
- 3571 Hits
Spring has sprung and I want to take a moment to just thank God. This blog will be a reflection of thankfulness and I'm hoping you will join me on this spring walk. I walk through the forest and I hear the wind whistling through the pines. They gently sway in rhythm to the song they are singing. The chatter of a mouthy squirrel lets me know not to ignore him. Birds dart and dip, chirp and join in a morning tune, one melody mingles beautifully with another like someone up there is creating a symphony. I thank Elohim, my Creator for the ability to hear. I climb a knoll to a spot where I can see a grand view of the Okanagan Lake, looking so...
I need ...
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 3570 Hits
Have you ever been in need? Really in need? I personally do not know what it would be like to not have food for my family, or a roof over my head, or not have the clothes I need to to stay warm. My physical needs have always been met. Matthew 6:31 says, "Do not worry, saying 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' ...For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and HIs righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." Does this Scripture only pertain to not worrying about our physical needs or does it encompass a whole lot mo...
Take 5 - Soul Encouragement - God Who Sanctifies
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 3711 Hits
NO need to fear. Let us take every anxious thought captive by praising and praying to our amazing God today. 5 minutes of solitude to meditate on the following name of God will lift your spirits. To know the names of God is to know His character. To know His character reveals His love. To understand His love eradicates all worry. Each time a worrisome thought arises today cry out to: Name of God: Yahweh-M'Kaddesh or Mekaddishkem—The LORD Who Sanctifies. What does it mean to be sanctified? It means to be made holy, set apart as sacred, consecrated. Just breath that in for one moment. Don't rush by this. You are made holy, and white ...
Is Gray a Color?
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 3906 Hits
Encouragement during these times is must, a need, a lifeline. I was talking on zoom to a friend of mine. Her name is Holly. Even her name conjures up festivity, color and light. But her smile… oh if you saw her smile you would never forget it. She is one of the most vivacious personalities I have ever had the pleasure to meet. So here I am talking to this incredibly up person, this courageous soul who is a cancer survivor, this joy emitting vessel of Jesus, and I listen to the anemia this isolation has caused. I came to the conclusion, if she's feeling this way then I know many of you will relate. Here is what she shared. The natural ebb...
A Cry for the Marginalized
I was gently admonished for my blog last week from different sources. I heard things like I need to find things to be thankful for. I need to accept the laws of the land and not second-guess their wisdom. I was told to search for the deep in the solitude as Paul did under house arrest, or Dietrich Bonhoeffer or Nelson Mandela in prison. All of these suggestions have merit. And so, I prayed. I asked God to change my attitude. I spent time, real time, practising gratitude for the many, many wonderful blessings I have in my life, but no … my mind kept coming back to the following. I could not shake it. I grieve, and I mean literally grieve ...
Worst Palm Sunday Ever!
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 3963 Hits
I got up angry. I reluctantly joined the zoom church service - angry. I tried. I tried real hard to join in the piped in praise music. I even stood up as if I was in a church service and sang my heart out. Still angry. I listened to very good message on Palm Sunday, but when the preacher started reading how Jesus went into the temple and cleared away the money changers, the merchants, the money makers from them temple in obvious anger, I could finally relate. Yeah, God, I'm angry too. This virus has worked its evil in the best way possible. It has stopped the assembly of believers gathering together. We are not able to exh...
Take 5 - Soul Encouragement - Immanuel, God With Us
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 3974 Hits
Let us take every anxious thought captive by praising and praying to our amazing God today. Offer up 5 minutes of solitude to meditate on the following name of God and what it means. To know the names of God is to know His character. To know His character reveals His love. To understand His love eradicates all worry. Each time a worrisome thought arises today cry out to: Name of God: Immanuel—God with us. Scripture: Is. 7:14; Matt. 1:23 Prayer: How comforting to know that Immanuel you are with us. You are true to your word, you have not, nor will you ever leave us or forsake us as Hebrews 13:5 promises. We are not alone. You are with us. Than...
Take 5 - Soul Encouragement - God Almighty
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 3531 Hits
Let us take every anxious thought captive by praising and praying to our amazing God today. Offer up 5 minutes of solitude to meditate on the following name of God and what it means. To know the names of God is to know His character. To know His character reveals His love. To understand His love eradicates all worry. Each time a worrisome thought arises today cry out to: Name of God: El Shaddai—The All Sufficient One, God Almighty Scripture: Gen. 17:1; Ps. 91:1, Job 11:7 Translated as God Almighty or Almighty God in our Bible Prayer: El Shaddai, nothing is too big for you to handle. We know you have this world in your trustworthy hands even i...
Take 5 - Soul Encouragement - Everlasting God
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 3582 Hits
Let us take every anxious thought captive by praising and praying to our amazing God today. Offer up 5 minutes of solitude to meditate on the following name of God and what it means. To know the names of God is to know His character. To know His character reveals His love. To understand His love eradicates all worry. Each time a worrisome thought arises today cry out to: Name of God: El Olam—The Everlasting God, The Eternal One. Scripture: Gen. 21:33; Is. 40:28; Romans 1:20 Prayer: El Olam you are the Alpha and Omega, The First and the Last. There is no beginning or end with you. I can trust you. You have all in your control. Amen Song:...
Take 5 - Soul Encouragement - Elohim
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 3499 Hits
Let us take every anxious thought captive by praising and praying to our amazing God today. Offer up 5 minutes of solitude to meditate on the following name of God and what it means. To know the names of God is to know His character. To know His character reveals His love. To understand His love eradicates all worry. Each time a worrisome thought arises today cry out to: Name of God: Elohim—All-Powerful One; Creator, God Scripture: Gen. 1:1-3; Deut. 10:7; Num. 23:19 Translated as "God" in the Scriptures. Prayer: You, oh God, created the vast universe. You know every nook and cranny, every creature in the sea, every bird of the air, every blad...
Take 5 - Soul Encouragement - El -The Strong One
- Blossom Turner
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- Names of God
- 3582 Hits
- 1 Comment
Let us take every anxious thought captive by praising and praying to our amazing God today. Offer up 5 minutes of solitude to meditate on the following name of God and what it means. To know the names of God is to know His character. To know His character reveals His love. To understand His love eradicates all worry. Each time a worrisome thought arises today cry out to: Name of God: El—The Strong One. (God who overcomes all) Scripture: Exodus 15:2; Number 23:22; Deut. 7:9 Prayer: Dear God, You are the Strong and Mighty One, you overcome all our enemies. This Covid 19 virus is an enemy to humanity and we call out to you for mercy today t...
Take 5 - Soul Encouragement - Adonai
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 3827 Hits
Let us take every anxious thought captive by praising and praying to our amazing God today. Offer up 5 minutes of solitude to meditate on the following name of God and what it means. To know the names of God is to know His character. To know His character reveals His love. To understand His love eradicates all worry. Each time a worrisome thought arises today cry out to: Name of God: Adonai—My Lord, My Master. How comforting to know we are not alone we have loving Master. Scripture: Gen. 15:2; Ps. 8:9 "Oh LORD (Yahweh) our Lord (Adonai), How excellent is Your name in all the earth!" Translated in our Scripture as "Lord" i...
Take 5 - Soul Encouragement - Yahweh
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 3278 Hits
Let us take every anxious thought captive by praising and praying to our amazing God today. Offer up 5 minutes of solitude to meditate on the following name of God and what it means. To know the names of God is to know His character. To know His character reveals His love. To understand His love eradicates all worry. Each time a worrisome thought arises today cry out to: Name of God: Yahweh YHVH—The Great I AM, The One Who Is Scripture: Gen. 2:4; Ex. 3:14 YHVH is translated as LORD with caps in our Bible. All other Names in Scripture reveal God's work and His character, but this name Yahweh shows His substance. Prayer: Yahweh, You are the Gre...
Take 5 - Soul Encouragement - The God Who Sees
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 3584 Hits
Let us take every anxious thought captive by praising and praying to our amazing God today. Offer up 5 minutes of solitude and meditate on the following name of God and what it means. To know the names of God is know His character. To know His character reveals His love. To understand His love eradicates all worry. Each time a worrisome thought arises today cry out to:Name of God: El Roi—The God Who Sees MeScripture: Gen. 16:11-14; Ps. 139:7-12Prayer: Thank you El Roi for the comfort that You see me, my inner thoughts, my battles, my complexities and that you care intimately for me and my loved ones.Song: An amaz...
Take 5 - Your Daily Encouragement ... God Most High
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 3484 Hits
I don't know about you, but I'll be honest? Even though I know my Scripture and have my Jesus I have found myself on edge, and getting anxious at times this past week. What was a distant world problem a few weeks ago, is now on my doorstep. Though I prayed for the people of China, it seemed so far removed. Not so anymore. I am under self-quarantine because the dentist office I went to, (though knowing their staff had been at a dental conference where ten known cases of the Covid 19 virus was confirmed) continued to work. The health officials in BC deemed that the hysteria they may create by shutting down all BC dental offices outwei...
An Indescribable Gift
- Blossom Turner
- Life Lesson
- Names of God
- 3515 Hits
- 1 Comment
Time ... 365 ¼ days, 12 months, 52 weeks in a year, or 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, 86,400 seconds in a day leaves us with a question, what will be do with this precious gift? As I hunkered down this past week to meet a writing deadline with rewrites far more extensive than I had anticipated, I planned my week out in precise increments. It was prudent to get stingy with this thing called time. God would surely understand, would He not? This is what transpired. The Spirit of God gently wooed, "do not rush my time with you, dear daughter, take time to pray for those in need." My mother-in-law calls, she needs to go to the d...
A Life Poured Out
I was so impacted by this one sentence I read in Ann Voscamp's book called The Broken Way that my spirit jumped within me. "The cells that only benefit themselves are known as cancer … Cancer is what refuses to die to self."1 I have been wrestling for weeks now with an issue of whether or not to succumb to external pressure and continue to silence the words God has been pounding on my heart to share with the world or … choose to be free. God never fails to speak when I openly ask for wisdom without telling Him how I want things to go. Here is my answer. This morning in my devotions it started with that quote above, where the whole chapte...
Letting the Holy One Have The Say
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 3776 Hits
I made a commitment to live the Christian life as a believer of Jesus Christ at fourteen but have to say I knew the presence of God long before that. Through childhood trauma God met me in the thin places, the suffering moments, the fearful dark of broken humanity. By the time I was fourteen, I had little will to live and it was Jesus or suicide, so I thought I would give Jesus a try. Wow, I never looked back. The Holy One met me. With becoming a believer of Jesus Christ at that age and never turning back, there develops over time a sense of entitlement, a sense of pride in one's right living, or righteousness. I personally believed if I serv...
The Gift Of A Heavenly Father When Your Earthly Parents Fail
I came across Matthew 6:32, 33 … "for your Heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and all His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you," and something profound hit me. To truly believe in a Father who wants to supply our every need, we must first believe in a good, loving and kind Heavenly Father. If you struggle with the concept of a loving Heavenly Father because you associate the way your earthly parents treated you to God, then this blog is for you. We start out in life with a mother and a father that shape and mold our view of what the word "Father" may conjure up. Both par...
How to Make the New Year JOY Filled, No Matter the Happenings
By now we are two weeks into the New Year, and I don't know if you're like me but I've already broken my New Years resolution. I was going to go a month without bread because it is my sweet. I wanted to be a good example to my husband who struggles to give up his sweets and let him see self-discipline in action. Ha! By about five days into the year, I was chowing down on a nice fresh piece of sour dough bread smothered with homemade raspberry jam, and he was well into a box of chocolates. We laughed at each other as we settled back into our easy chairs for our favourite TV show. How willing the mind is making these plans on New Year's Eve aft...
Something More Than The Hustle and Bustle of Christmas ...
- Blossom Turner
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- Names of God
- 4457 Hits
By now the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season has enveloped your world unless you are a scrooge or the Grinch. Ha Ha And yet I write … With the hope … You will be blessed by putting the most amazing blessing first—Jesus Christ. Over the past three weeks of advent we have allowed the Prophet's Candle of HOPE, the Bethlehem Candle of FAITH, and the Shepherd's candle of JOY to spark our Christmas season into flame. This last week of advent we will light the Angel's Candle of LOVE and on Christmas day you will light the final candle in the middle of your wreath representing JESUS CHRIST. My prayer for you is that the flicker of flame...
What You Need to Make the Christmas Season JOY Filled!
- Blossom Turner
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- Names of God
- 4887 Hits
The last two weeks I have been encouraging the lighting of the advent wreath, why? The reason is easy, and intentional—I want to celebrate Christmas not just on the 25th but the whole month through. I invite you to join me on this Advent journey. December 1st we lit the "Prophet's Candle," symbolizing hope. It reminded the old testament patriarchs to keep the hope of a coming King… a Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger. It reminded the New Testament believers to have hope beyond the death of their Savior who died for the sins of the world. They began the great commission and proclaimed the good news that Je...
Let's light Our Second Advent Candle Together - The Bethlehem Candle
- Blossom Turner
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- Names of God
- 7820 Hits
We are going to light candle number two this week and celebrate the glorious meaning of Christmas. This candle is called the "Bethlehem Candle," and it symbolizes faith. Seven hundred years before Christ was born the prophet Isaiah proclaimed these words. Isaiah 7:14 "Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel." This time of year, I reflect upon what it must have felt like for the scared young woman—Mary to be pregnant out of wedlock, and for a man of integrity—Joseph (no more than a boy himself) who married her despite the unusual circumstances. All...
What Is Christmas? Come With Me On A Celebration Of The Heart.
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 4209 Hits
This year I want to concentrate on celebrating Christmas more intentionally. I do not want the harried pace of Christmas' past, nor to be so wrapped up (no pun intended) in the traditions of decorating, shopping, ribbons and bows that I feel exhausted come Christmas Eve. And so, I invite you along on a Christmas journey with me. Let's light the four advent candles not only on our table centrepiece but in our hearts, and take the time daily, to be present with the Lord. If you do have an advent wreath then lets light the first candle, "The Prophet's Candle" together. If you don't have a wreath, curl up into a chair and in the Spirit join ...
Do You Need A Divine Helper and Advocate?
- Blossom Turner
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- Names of God
- 4768 Hits
I've had a tough week. All kinds of mishaps, misunderstandings, and missteps. The Scripture that talks about the fact we wrestle not against flesh and blood, (meaning people) but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places, (Eph. 6:12) has been my reality. I opened my mouth when I should have kept it closed. I let painful memories surface. I allowed the actions of another bring me down. I struggled with dark depressing days. I overall felt low, which is not like me. I was under attack for sure. Then I read 1 John 2:1-2 "My little children,...
How do I NOT be Afraid?
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 3372 Hits
I find it amazing how the Spirit of God leads and speaks. I was contemplating which title of God to expound upon and the verse in Revelation 1:8 kept coming to mind. I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End," says the Lord, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty. In this one verse alone, there are seven ways in which to address God in prayer. I Am March 18, 2019 Alpha Nov. 5, 2018 Omega Nov. 5, 2018 Beginning Nov. 5, 2018 End ...
Many Believe In Heaven, But What About Hell?
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 4686 Hits
I awoke in the wee hours of the morning and my mind turned toward writing my blog. I prayed about what I should write. Interestingly, the Scripture John 14:16 came to mind. "Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." These titles are not new to most Christians and I was going to write a blog on each one separately but instead the Spirit was very direct on leaving them together as Jesus did for the purpose of writing about the way to enter Heaven, or more specifically, a generally avoided and uncomfortable subject … the reality of Hell. As a Christian who regula...
You Light Up This World
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 3635 Hits
The Light of the World. I have been so distracted as of late with the planning of a wedding in our back yard, a five-book contract to attend to, yard work galore, etc. I groaned at the thought of fitting in the writing of a blog wondering if it matters. In the middle of the night I awoke to hear the Lord gently speak into my spirit. I am the Father of Light and telling the world in such dark times—matters. So, I reverently sit at my desk this morning with my long "to do" list carefully tucked out of view. I consider this wonderful title I was reminded of in the dark of the night. Jesus said in John 8:12 "I am the Light of the world....
We are all looking for the One who is Faithful and True
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 3675 Hits
Faithful and True How many join the ranks of those who understand the pain caused by the opposite of faithful and true? A friend walks away Adult children won't talk to their parents A husband betrays A parent abuses a child A wife decides she does not love anymore Human beings are good at the opposite of "Faithful and True" but God is not. It is in His very character and being to remain faithful and true. Oh, how comforting these words are in a world that is often cruel and unkind. Revelation 19:11 encourages ... "Now I saw heaven opening, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He ...
Who Wouldn't Want a Wonderful Counselor?
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 5124 Hits
August has been a heavy month with lots of enjoyable company, personal drama that has caused inner angst and a big move for my mother-in-law as she leaves the Toronto area and trusts us enough to move to Kelowna for her remaining days. Many wheels are turning, and I am so thankful for the one constant calming presence in my life ... the Wonderful Counselor. Isaiah 9:6 gives a title in a prophetic word of the messianic King Jesus yet to come. "...And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." The character of Christ is foretold in these titles but I would like to pause on o...
Do You Need A Friend?
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 5379 Hits
Have you ever had someone hurt you with their words? At this very moment could you be reeling from unkindness where the person speaking does not understand your heart? Are you falsely accused and gossiped about? I have been there, but more importantly so has Jesus. In Matthew 11:19 the ones that were jealous of Him and His powerful ministry said this. "Look a glutton and winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!" They used the word "friend" sarcastically in a negative way because they looked down on Jesus for associating with the down and outer. But what a privilege to be counted among those Jesus calls a friend. He did not car...
Wonders of the World in Your Back Yard
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 3363 Hits
Summer is upon us … the sun, sand and surf beckon. Living in the Okanagan Valley brings visitors from all over the country who flock into the area for warmth and water fun. Lazy, hazy days of conversing with visitors are sprinkled throughout July and August. A favourite pastime is to take them to the local landmarks and actually enjoy the beautiful area in which I live. This week I was on such an excursion with my niece who was visiting. As I overlooked the valley from the top of Knox Mountain I caught anew a fresh perceptive of God's amazing creation. How often I breeze by the vistas of lake and mountains when I should stop and sta...
Yahweh Shammah (The Lord is There.)
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 7090 Hits
Are you having a difficult day, month, or year? Are you discouraged, disheartened or dismayed? Do you need a pick-me-upper? Come with me. Not into a story of make belief, but into a vision of a new temple, a new city, a new kingdom, a new people. Grab a coffee or morning tea and find a quiet nook inside or outside to contemplate the wonder. Hope will ignite, and after being given this glimpse into God's Holy city which every believer will be part of, I promise you, your worries will fade. Ezekiel is given a peek into the future (Ezekiel 40 to 48) and he writes about a glorious day when God returns, renews the earth and reigns in righteousness...
Bring Prayer Alive
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 3434 Hits
I was sitting across the table with a long-time friend this week and we began talking about prayer. As we shared, she said, "you need to write a blog about what you do. It's so unique and personal and I think it would help many." Since each Monday I share a new title of God for the purpose of enriching ones prayer life, it fits to write about the "how to." Why would anyone pray? -We pray because we believe that prayer changes things and because we have need. Heb. 4:16 says, "Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." -We pray for sickness of body...
I Introduce you to...
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 3365 Hits
The God of Glory Last night I attended my fortieth grad reunion. Forty years. Wow! Where has time gone? As I walked around the room the signs of aging were glaringly obvious … wrinkles, weight gain, balding, gray, to mention just a few. Our youthful glory was gone. How timely to turn to my Bible today and read Psalm 29 about the God of Glory. He does not change, nor decay. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow He remains the same. There will be no shock when we see Jesus (like there was last night at what time had done to the good-looking, the strong, the high school jocks, the cheerleaders.) In this devotional it is my privilege to...
You Are Invited!
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 3524 Hits
Have you have been invited to a wedding this summer? How would you feel if you were invited as an honoured guest to a royal wedding, or to the wedding of a famous movie star? I bet you would be thrilled and talking about it non-stop. Well I have an invitation, you have an invitation to the most spectacular wedding of all time where the King of Kings will be the Bridegroom and you will not be a mere guest, oh no, much better ... you will be the Bride. Jesus calls Himself the Bridegroom (Matt. 9:14-15 and Matt. 25:1-13) He called the church (all believers) the bride. Why? Because He knew that no matter how good a marriage is here...
If You Don't Need Hope Please Don't Read.
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 4440 Hits
I ask the question. Who doesn't need hope? We all need hope. Being hopeless is one of the saddest states to be in. In fact, Proverbs 13:12 says, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." Suicide is at an all time high. Why? Because people have lost hope. Are you currently in a situation that seems hopeless, helpless, or heartless? If so read on. If not, then you are to be the hands and feet of Jesus and give hope and encouragement to others. In either case, we need the God of Hope to fill our day. This name/title the God Of Hope is one of my favourites. I love to pray using this name....
A Thousand Sleepless Nights
I was listening today to a song by Laura Story, called "Blessings," and stuck anew at the paradox but the truth of blessing in pain. I lived those thousand sleepless nights she sings about. I suggest you listen to this song before we begin. The words to the chorus are … 'Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops, What if Your healing comes through tears? What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near? What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise? How many of us would sign up for pain? Would we be first in line to receive a blessing that come through the crucible of suffering? Does the fact a so...
A Star is Not Born, He has Always Been!
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 7286 Hits
In our culture of rising stars, how to be a star, and a star is born, I want to paint a picture of One who outshines them all. The One true Star. Rev. 22:16 Jesus said, "I am …the Bright and Morning Star." Few things fill me with such wonder and awe that I am struck both silent and small … a star-bejewelled sky on a clear dark night far from the artificial glare of city light will do it every time. Have you ever had the pleasure of sitting back with your eyes gazing upward with nothing more to do than to study the glory and vastness of God's incredible creative splendour. When we owned a cabin on a lake one of my favourite things to do w...
What's in a Name?
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 4590 Hits
How Would You Feel if Your Name Was Continually Said Wrong? Back in the day when school kids solved their problems off the school grounds with their fists, a little girl named Blossom Honey lived. She was a tomboy who grew up in a rough and tumble family so thought nothing of taking anyone, boy or girl who made fun of her name to task with her tiny but mighty little fists. She also did not wear the right clothes, her daddy cut her hair, and she certainly did not come from a family of community status. The opposite was her reality. With the added handle of Blossom Honey when common names like Kathy, Heather, Mary were the norm and what society...
The Story Behind the Story.
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 4202 Hits
Ephesians 1:17 "That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, may give to you the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of Him." Wow, when I read this verse, really breathe it in, I am in awe. Our Father of Glory will give to us the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation. He will give Himself. Never did I need wisdom more than during the season of my life when my marriage hit the wall of infidelity. I wanted to run, but God said stay. I wanted to hate, but God said love. I wanted to rage, but God said forgive. Out of this suffering a fiction story from the well of God's deep reservoir of revelation, was completed. As an auth...
Yahweh ... The Most Powerful Name in the Universe
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 6225 Hits
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Yahweh The Most beautiful Name in the Universe. I tackle this, the name of God YHWH ( יהוה) with a holy reverence and a weighty responsibility. This is God's name, whereas others could more accurately be called titles. What this means is—all other ways of expressing God's name reveal His character and characteristics. But this name YHWH means He is, He was, He always will be. The name YHWH became Yahweh in the tenth century when Jewish scholars added vowels to the Hebrew language formerly written without them. The Jewish people understood and revered the sacred name YHWH, so much so, Hebrew Rabbis would refer to it as "The Name," "The U...
What Have You Been Saved From?
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 3036 Hits
This is indeed the Christ, Savior of the world. (John 4:42) If you've been a Christian for any length of time you will be prone to tune out if I start giving the history of what a Savior is and what the word Savior means. And if I belabour the fact the angels knew a Savior had been born (Luke 2: 10-11), "For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord," you will say yeah, yeah, I hear that every Christmas. So, I'm going to do something different today. Easter is approaching and the title Savior will be spoken in most every Bible teaching church. In fact, "Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ"...
Only Someone Who Has Lost A Child Would Understand.
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 3216 Hits
The Lamb! I will never forget the day that I got a call from what I thought would be my daughter Ally on the other end of the phone but was a very distraught stranger. She had looked in the contacts on my daughter's phone and dialled the number that said MOM. "Your daughter has been in a serious accident. I called the ambulance but we're at the corner of … come quickly." My husband and I jumped in our vehicle and rushed to the scene of the accident. We arrived as the attendants were loading Ally into the ambulance. I took one look at the wreckage and screamed. I thought for sure she would not survive that crash. Ally had been making a le...
Are You Stressed, Anxious or Worried?
- Blossom Turner
- Life Lesson
- Names of God
- 3548 Hits
I was all of the above until ... Wow! Isn't it wonderful when the Scripture pops off the page and God directly speaks? This does not happen every time I pick up the Bible but I sure appreciate how so often my reading is divinely appointed. I've been particularly stressed at the learning curve needed to launch a book. Writing was the easy part. What is expected of authors these days is next thing to ludicrous and I was having a meltdown. I literally had a list of 52 things that authors do to launch a book and most of which I would have to learn by taking tutorials. From making book trailers, to monthly newsletters, to videos, to learning Canva...
Are You Feeling Unloved, Unworthy, Unwanted?
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 5915 Hits
Meet Love! As I stepped onto a plane headed for an unknown country, to an unknown situation, to unknown people, I felt unloved, unworthy, unwanted. It was December 2008 I could not face Christmas. I was running to the other side of the world—Australia, to sort out my messy life. My kids had previously left home, my marriage was in shambles having found out about my husband's unfaithfulness, and I was internally tortured. Should I stay in the marriage or kick him to the curb as people suggested? Everyone had a different opinion, and I was too sad, too broken, too angry at both my husband and God to come to any conclusion. It's a story for anot...
How To Make The Most Incredible Name in the Universe Understood?
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 3156 Hits
How to Introduce the most Amazing Name of All ... Scripture is the best launch pad for the most amazing name of all. Exodus 3:14 And God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. And He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you." I AM WHO I AM in the literal Hebrew means "I will be what I will be. This means self-existent One. From the form of the verb "to be" in the Hebrew language. This expresses the truth that God transcends all. He is the past. The present. The future. In other words, He has always been, He is, and He will always be. His character is unchangeable and faithful. His essence embodies all time, all pow...