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Step 6: How Will Knowing Your Love Language Improve the Way You Feel About Yourself?

Information ascertained by Dr. Gary Chapman to help us understand our primary love language is hugely beneficial in growing our self-worth and in our relationships with our loved ones. It provides guidance on how to love, understand, and accept ourselves, as well as our partner or family members in a way that best expresses love. And let's face it, a happy marriage and peaceful family relationships bring life to our soul. The five love languages by Dr. Gary Chapman are:1 Words of AffirmationQuality TimeActs of ServiceReceiving GiftsPhysical Touch Dr. Gary Chapman so wisely states that Psychologists have concluded, "the need to feel loved...

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Christmas in a Nutshell...come break it open with me!

Let it snow. Let it snow. Let it snow!

 Life has not been easy for any of us in this covid-ridden world, a new variant announced the minute the old one has run its course, and the in-house fighting between the vaccinated and unvaccinated at the workplace, between good friends, and even within families. Satan is delighted with the division this is causing. And so, I propose we take the focus off the negative and intentionally breath in the truth of the advent season. I promise…joy will follow. The past few years I have found increased joy in celebrating the season with advent candles and what they represent. I would like to share this with you and encourage you to jo...

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A Cry for the Marginalized

Covid 19 is not a holiday for all families.

I was gently admonished for my blog last week from different sources. I heard things like I need to find things to be thankful for. I need to accept the laws of the land and not second-guess their wisdom. I was told to search for the deep in the solitude as Paul did under house arrest, or Dietrich Bonhoeffer or Nelson Mandela in prison. All of these suggestions have merit. And so, I prayed. I asked God to change my attitude. I spent time, real time, practising gratitude for the many, many wonderful blessings I have in my life, but no … my mind kept coming back to the following. I could not shake it. I grieve, and I mean literally grieve ...

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