I was gently admonished for my blog last week from different sources. I heard things like I need to find things to be thankful for. I need to accept the laws of the land and not second-guess their wisdom. I was told to search for the deep in the solitude as Paul did under house arrest, or Dietrich Bonhoeffer or Nelson Mandela in prison. All of these suggestions have merit. And so, I prayed. I asked God to change my attitude. I spent time, real time, practising gratitude for the many, many wonderful blessings I have in my life, but no … my mind kept coming back to the following. I could not shake it. I grieve, and I mean literally grieve ...
4318 Hits
I ask the question. Who doesn't need hope? We all need hope. Being hopeless is one of the saddest states to be in. In fact, Proverbs 13:12 says, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." Suicide is at an all time high. Why? Because people have lost hope. Are you currently in a situation that seems hopeless, helpless, or heartless? If so read on. If not, then you are to be the hands and feet of Jesus and give hope and encouragement to others. In either case, we need the God of Hope to fill our day. This name/title the God Of Hope is one of my favourites. I love to pray using this name....
4588 Hits