Information ascertained by Dr. Gary Chapman to help us understand our primary love language is hugely beneficial in growing our self-worth and in our relationships with our loved ones. It provides guidance on how to love, understand, and accept ourselves, as well as our partner or family members in a way that best expresses love. And let's face it, a happy marriage and peaceful family relationships bring life to our soul. The five love languages by Dr. Gary Chapman are:1 Words of AffirmationQuality TimeActs of ServiceReceiving GiftsPhysical Touch Dr. Gary Chapman so wisely states that Psychologists have concluded, "the need to feel loved...
I made a commitment to live the Christian life as a believer of Jesus Christ at fourteen but have to say I knew the presence of God long before that. Through childhood trauma God met me in the thin places, the suffering moments, the fearful dark of broken humanity. By the time I was fourteen, I had little will to live and it was Jesus or suicide, so I thought I would give Jesus a try. Wow, I never looked back. The Holy One met me. With becoming a believer of Jesus Christ at that age and never turning back, there develops over time a sense of entitlement, a sense of pride in one's right living, or righteousness. I personally believed if I serv...
The Light of the World. I have been so distracted as of late with the planning of a wedding in our back yard, a five-book contract to attend to, yard work galore, etc. I groaned at the thought of fitting in the writing of a blog wondering if it matters. In the middle of the night I awoke to hear the Lord gently speak into my spirit. I am the Father of Light and telling the world in such dark times—matters. So, I reverently sit at my desk this morning with my long "to do" list carefully tucked out of view. I consider this wonderful title I was reminded of in the dark of the night. Jesus said in John 8:12 "I am the Light of the world....
I ask the question. Who doesn't need hope? We all need hope. Being hopeless is one of the saddest states to be in. In fact, Proverbs 13:12 says, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." Suicide is at an all time high. Why? Because people have lost hope. Are you currently in a situation that seems hopeless, helpless, or heartless? If so read on. If not, then you are to be the hands and feet of Jesus and give hope and encouragement to others. In either case, we need the God of Hope to fill our day. This name/title the God Of Hope is one of my favourites. I love to pray using this name....