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You Light Up This World

Your color, Your sparkle, Your light ... matters.

The Light of the World. I have been so distracted as of late with the planning of a wedding in our back yard, a five-book contract to attend to, yard work galore, etc. I groaned at the thought of fitting in the writing of a blog wondering if it matters. In the middle of the night I awoke to hear the Lord gently speak into my spirit. I am the Father of Light and telling the world in such dark times—matters. So, I reverently sit at my desk this morning with my long "to do" list carefully tucked out of view. I consider this wonderful title I was reminded of in the dark of the night. Jesus said in John 8:12 "I am the Light of the world....

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Do You Need A Friend?

The gift of friends.

Have you ever had someone hurt you with their words? At this very moment could you be reeling from unkindness where the person speaking does not understand your heart? Are you falsely accused and gossiped about? I have been there, but more importantly so has Jesus. In Matthew 11:19 the ones that were jealous of Him and His powerful ministry said this. "Look a glutton and winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!" They used the word "friend" sarcastically in a negative way because they looked down on Jesus for associating with the down and outer. But what a privilege to be counted among those Jesus calls a friend. He did not car...

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