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You Light Up This World

iStock-468904013 Your color, Your sparkle, Your light ... matters.

The Light of the World.

I have been so distracted as of late with the planning of a wedding in our back yard, a five-book contract to attend to, yard work galore, etc. I groaned at the thought of fitting in the writing of a blog wondering if it matters. In the middle of the night I awoke to hear the Lord gently speak into my spirit. I am the Father of Light and telling the world in such dark times—matters.

So, I reverently sit at my desk this morning with my long "to do" list carefully tucked out of view. I consider this wonderful title I was reminded of in the dark of the night. Jesus said in John 8:12 "I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life."

What does this mean?

  • Jesus is the Light. He brings love and light into this very troubled world. He offers peace in the midst of turmoil. He extends gentleness to the harsh realities of everyday life. He is the healing balm to the weeping widow, hope to the heartbroken, compassion to the sorrowing soul. These are not platitudes from a bygone man who walked this earth over 2000 years ago, but the promise of a Savior who has risen in power and is very much alive in this world today.
  • Jesus is the light, and all who believe become sons and daughters of light. John 12:36 "Believe in the Light, that you may become sons of light." This means we as believers are a light to the crying world. We are the hands and feet of Jesus. Eph. 5:8, 9 "For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness and truth."
  • Self-examination as a believer is important. 1 John 2:9 "He who says he/she is in the light, and hates his brother, is in darkness." If we as believers carry grudges, won't talk to a brother or sister, harbor jealousy, unforgiveness, or unkindness, then we need to ask if we are walking in the light and repent of this darkness. We cannot be a light to the world when engaging the dark.

This world we see is just part of our story. When we leave this place there is a whole lot more beyond this door. If you are in doubt, just google "near death experiences" and I think your perspective will drastically change. If you need a reminder because you are bogged down with the cares of this world, or you need encouragement, listen to this near-death experience. The light you radiate matters. Charlotte Thomason did not want to return to this world, but Jesus was with her, and her life experience and light in this dark world encourages many. Your story is no less important. Let your light shine.

 Listen to this amazing account of a near death experience by Charlotte Thomason. It is heart wrenching yet beautiful how Jesus had a plan for her life though her childhood was horrific.

  • All Scripture taken from the NIV
  • Other Titles of God that may encourage can be found on the following dates.1) Elohim-God - October 1, 2018 2) Abba Father - October 15, 2018 3) El Shaddai - October 22, 2018 4) The Truth - October 28, 2018 5) The Alpha & Omega - Nov. 5, 20186) Yahweh-Shalom - Nov. 12, 2018 7) God of All Comfort - Nov. 19,2018 8) The Rock - Nov. 26, 2018 9) Our Maker - Dec. 3, 2018 10) Our Defender - Dec.10, 2018 11)Immanuel - Dec. 17, 2018 12) The Bread of Life - Jan. 7, 2019 13) Yahweh-Nissi - Jan. 14, 2019 14) Yahweh-Rohi - Jan. 21, 2019 15) The Lord - Jan. 28, 2019 16) Deliverer - Feb. 4, 2019 17) Spirit of the Living God - Feb. 11, 2019 18) Yahweh-Rophe Part 1 - Feb. 18, 2019 19) Yahweh-Rophe Part 2 - Feb. 25, 2019 20) King of Kings -Mar. 4, 2019 (21) Adonai - March 11, 2019 (22) I AM WHO I AM - Yahweh, March 18, 2019 (23)The God of Love and Peace-Mar.25, 2019 9 (24) Elohim-a prayer from Daniel 2, April 1, 2019, (25) The Lamb - April 8, 2019 (26) The Savior - April 15, 2019 (27) Yahweh - April 29, 2019 (28) Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation - May 13 ,2019 (29) Jehovah or Yahweh? - May 20, 2019 (30) Bright and Morning Star - May 27,2019 (31) Sovereign LORD - June 3, 2019 (32) God of Hope - June 10, 2019 (33) The Bridegroom - June 17,2019 (34) The God of Glory - June 24.2019 (35) Prayer - July 1,2019 (36) Yahweh Shammah - July 22,2019 (37) Creator of Heaven and Earth - Aug. 5,2019, (38) Friend - Aug. 19, 2019 (39) Wonderful Counselor - Sept. 2, 1-2019 (40) Faithful and True - Sept.23,2019 (41) Light of the World -October 7,2019
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