Do You Need A Friend?
Have you ever had someone hurt you with their words?
At this very moment could you be reeling from unkindness where the person speaking does not understand your heart?
Are you falsely accused and gossiped about?
I have been there, but more importantly so has Jesus. In Matthew 11:19 the ones that were jealous of Him and His powerful ministry said this. "Look a glutton and winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!" They used the word "friend" sarcastically in a negative way because they looked down on Jesus for associating with the down and outer. But what a privilege to be counted among those Jesus calls a friend. He did not care who criticized Him, He chose to love and befriend people from all walks of life.
You are special. You are loved. You are invited into His friendship. Still today He calls and whispers words of kindness and love to the wounded.
I currently have the gift of my wonderful friend (Suzie) visiting from Winnipeg. Oh, the healing balm of true friendship to have someone understand my heart, my intentions, my sensitivity to the world around me. She is the hands and feet of Jesus because she has purposefully set out to learn what it means to love unconditionally and be a child of God. Jesus lives inside her and the love flows out. She is not afraid to challenge my thinking if it is off base, and we do not always instantly agree, but we have a pact to believe and bring out the best in each other. Now that is true friendship.
Proverbs 17:17 says, "A friend loves at all times." This means to have a friend, and be a friend, we need to love unconditionally like Jesus did. He said in John 15:13, "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends." Jesus did this for all of us when he died on the cross. He was persecuted in every way possible including the ultimate sacrifice. He was mocked and ridiculed. He was scourged, stabbed and hung on a cross to die an agonizing death—for you and for me. Now that's a friend.
Through the friendship of Jesus and his resurrected power available to all believers there is strength to choose love when hated, to extend kindness in the face of tyranny, to love the unlovable. When I hurt and reel from unkind words (sometimes from those I love the most), I may not get to this place instantly. I may grapple with wanting to plead my case, or feel the claw and pull of retaliation, but always Jesus comes and whispers … "Be a friend, a true friend, one that loves at all times. (Sometimes this friendship may include a healthy boundary, but the way to guard against bitterness that destroys my soul is to pray for those who cause the pain.) Oh, the peace that passes all understanding as I embrace this truth and choose to love.
What a friend we have in Jesus. What a role model we have. And oh, the power He imparts to all who choose to walk in love. For Jesus said in John 15:14 "You are My friends if you do whatever I command you." And He said in John 15:12, "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you."
- All Scripture taken from the NIV
- Other Names of God that may encourage can be found on the following dates.1) Elohim-God - October 1, 2018 2) Abba Father - October 15, 2018 3) El Shaddai - October 22, 2018 4) The Truth - October 28, 2018 5) The Alpha & Omega - Nov. 5, 20186) Yahweh-Shalom - Nov. 12, 2018 7) God of All Comfort - Nov. 19,2018 8) The Rock - Nov. 26, 2018 9) Our Maker - Dec. 3, 2018 10) Our Defender - Dec.10, 2018 11)Immanuel - Dec. 17, 2018 12) The Bread of Life - Jan. 7, 2019 13) Yahweh-Nissi - Jan. 14, 2019 14) Yahweh-Rohi - Jan. 21, 2019 15) The Lord - Jan. 28, 2019 16) Deliverer - Feb. 4, 2019 17) Spirit of the Living God - Feb. 11, 2019 18) Yahweh-Rophe Part 1 - Feb. 18, 2019 19) Yahweh-Rophe Part 2 - Feb. 25, 2019 20) King of Kings -Mar. 4, 2019 (21) Adonai - March 11, 2019 (22) I AM WHO I AM - Yahweh, March 18, 2019 (23)The God of Love and Peace-Mar.25, 2019 9 (24) Elohim-a prayer from Daniel 2, April 1, 2019, (25) The Lamb - April 8, 2019 (26) The Savior - April 15, 2019 (27) Yahweh - April 29, 2019 (28) Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation - May 13 ,2019 (29) Jehovah or Yahweh? - May 20, 2019 (30) Bright and Morning Star - May 27,2019 (31) Sovereign LORD - June 3, 2019 (32) God of Hope - June 10, 2019 (33) The Bridegroom - June 17,2019 (34) The God of Glory - June 24.2019 (35) Prayer - July 1,2019 (36) Yahweh Shammah - July 22,2019 (37) Creator of Heaven and Earth - Aug. 5,2019, (38) Friend - Aug. 19, 2019
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About the author
Blossom Turner is an award-winning novelist, and a free-lance writer published in Chicken Soup and Kernels of Hope anthologies, and former newspaper columnist on health and fitness. A Word Guild semi-finalist for Anna's Secret, Katherine's Arrangement, Amelia’s Heartsong, and a Word Guild winner for Best Romance for Lucinda’s Defender. She has found her home in the writing of historical fiction but is open to wherever God leads. The many 5-star reviews attest to the power of love and romance authentically woven into the Shenandoah Bride Series about five sisters and their five love stories.
Blossom lives in British Columbia, Canada, with her husband, David, of forty years and their dog Lacey named after Lacey Spring, Virginia, where this series takes place. A former businesswoman, personal trainer, and mother of two grown children she is now pursuing her lifelong dream of writing full-time. A hopeless romantic at heart, she believes all story should give the reader significant entertainment value. However, her writing embodies the struggles of real life. She infuses the reality of suffering with the hope of Christ to give a healthy dose of relatable encouragement to her reader. Her desire is to leave the reader with a yearning to live for Christ on a deeper level, or at the very least, create a hunger to seek for more.
Co-author Suzie Zanewhich
Suzie is a certified life coach, leader of emotional health, and resource specialist. She has found her niche as a soul coach.
Suzie finds purpose in empowering individuals to move towards growth, healing, and alignment with their authentic self. Suzie is driven by a calling to live authentically, as the person God created her to be, to reach her fullest potential and lead others to do the same. Her passion is to help others find meaning through discovering their strengths, gifts, personality, temperament and core values.
Suzie is a life-long learner, continuously immersing herself in new courses to learn more about human behaviour, relationships, psychology, child development, emotions, trauma and healing. Because of her craving to always learn more she has earned the title of resource specialist in the area of self-discovery.
Suzie Zanewich lives with her husband in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. She has a patchwork family of four grown children, two daughters, two sons and three granddaughters.
Comments 4
Hi Blossom how true is this. But so hard to do. But once we do pray for the one who has hurt us it’s only then our peace comes. Thank you for these special words today
Dear Jenny, Thank you for your encouraging words. Yes, praying for those who hurt us is truly difficult but as you said ... peace is our reward.
Encouraging words and thoughts, Blossom. I've been going through an extreme trial of being rejected and slandered by someone very dear to me, and Jesus, as always, has been my Rock and my example. My struggle is to not shut my heart down in order not to feel the pain. Not easy, when the cut is deep!
Dear Marilyn, I believe one of life's biggest challenges is as you said, not shutting down your heart, and leaning on the everlasting arms of Jesus. This is particularly difficult when it is someone you love dearly. I too, am going through such a trial and as you so poignantly penned, this is not easy when the cut is deep. Go with God dear sister in Christ and He shall be your reward.