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A Cry for the Marginalized

iStock-1028900430 Covid 19 is not a holiday for all families.

I was gently admonished for my blog last week from different sources. I heard things like I need to find things to be thankful for. I need to accept the laws of the land and not second-guess their wisdom. I was told to search for the deep in the solitude as Paul did under house arrest, or Dietrich Bonhoeffer or Nelson Mandela in prison. All of these suggestions have merit.

And so, I prayed. I asked God to change my attitude. I spent time, real time, practising gratitude for the many, many wonderful blessings I have in my life, but no … my mind kept coming back to the following. I could not shake it. I grieve, and I mean literally grieve for all the situations in which the measures taken to slow Covid 19 have exacerbated unsafe and difficult family situations …

  • The food banks that don't have enough food for the thousands out of work, who have no reserves, living pay cheque to pay cheque.
  • The little girl whose daddy is now home 24/7 and ramps up the sexual abuse because of boredom.
  • The hospital workers, janitorial staff, nurses, doctors run off their feet coming home after long, long days with no time for their family.
  • The millions consumed with fear because they are glued to the TV. These 24-hour news channels are thrilled at the increase in their ratings due to their excellent fear-mongering tactics.
  • The little boy who lives in a home where physical abuse is an outlet for frustration to troubled parents.
  • The woman beaten by her husband consumed with alcohol because he is now home 24/7 and has nothing better to do than drink.
  • The small businesses that may never open their doors again, with a mountain of debt to pay off.
  • The daddy who cannot provide for his family.
  • The depressed soul where isolation tips them over the edge and they commit suicide.
  • People grieving, not able to say goodbye to their loved ones in person, not able to have the comfort of a funeral.
  • People suffering with other illnesses who need surgeries and medical attention but can't get the help.
  • The refugee camps all over the world no longer getting their much-needed supplies.
  • The street person who has no one to hold his hand out to for a donation, or no where to go, because the sources of help normally available are either shut down or the capacity greatly reduced.
  • Churches isolated from meeting together where we know as believers there is no substitute for the power obtained when two or more are gathered in His name (and that Scripture means gathered, not looking at a screen.)

These are just some of the ways this isolation is going to have far-reaching spiritual, social, economic, and mental health repercussions for many months to come. 

For those of you who welcome the nice break from routine, have enough money to weather the storm, or still have income rolling in, no judgement.

I am speaking to those of you who understand because you have been in one of the above situations at one point in your life, like I have. To those of you who do understand—join me in prayer. You know from experience this is not a holiday, a rest, or a wonderful sabbatical for many—instead, a living hell.

Join me in crying out to Yahweh-Raphe the LORD our Healer to heal our land. 1 Thessalonians 5:14 says ..."comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all." Please join me in prayer for the marginalized. 

Thank you, Jesus, for your power to heal. Come Yahweh-Raphe we pray.

Thank you Jesus for the amazing gift of Easter ... Isaiah 52: 5&6 "He (Jesus) was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed."

Listen to this Easter Rendition of Hallelujah by a young lady, Amelia Kate. She belted out hope and joy in her driveway, bringing Easter joy to her neighbourhood. Thumbs up Amelia Kate.

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Comments 6

Guest - Holly

on Monday, 13 April 2020 08:31

Totally agree with you. No one has the right to tell you how to feel. Your point of view is completely justified.

Totally agree with you. No one has the right to tell you how to feel. Your point of view is completely justified.

Blossom Turner

on Monday, 13 April 2020 12:51

I don't mind the guidance in looking at things from all different angles, it gives me the opportunity to really check my inner motivations, attitudes etc. But in this particular case, the grief stuck. No amount of gratitude changed my call to pray for the dire circumstances the extreme measures government has taken to curb Covid 19 has and is creating. Families are at risk, as well as many other marginalized people groups. But thanks for the support Holly.

I don't mind the guidance in looking at things from all different angles, it gives me the opportunity to really check my inner motivations, attitudes etc. But in this particular case, the grief stuck. No amount of gratitude changed my call to pray for the dire circumstances the extreme measures government has taken to curb Covid 19 has and is creating. Families are at risk, as well as many other marginalized people groups. But thanks for the support Holly.

Guest - Janith Hooper

on Monday, 13 April 2020 13:23

Amen, and Amen, Blossom!

Amen, and Amen, Blossom!

Blossom Turner

on Monday, 13 April 2020 13:39

I can see there are those who understand what I am trying to say. Thank you for you support and your prayers for the suffering.

I can see there are those who understand what I am trying to say. Thank you for you support and your prayers for the suffering.

Guest - Karen

on Tuesday, 14 April 2020 20:20

You make a very valid point. I thought of some of these same issues and am glad you brought them out into the open.

You make a very valid point. I thought of some of these same issues and am glad you brought them out into the open.

Blossom Turner

on Wednesday, 15 April 2020 08:30

Issues that are uncomfortable to think about, and negative some would even venture to say ... are turned from inconvenient truth to prayers that heal. Thank you for joining me in prayer Karen.

Issues that are uncomfortable to think about, and negative some would even venture to say ... are turned from inconvenient truth to prayers that heal. Thank you for joining me in prayer Karen.
Monday, 28 October 2024

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