Worst Palm Sunday Ever!

I got up angry.
I reluctantly joined the zoom church service - angry.
I tried. I tried real hard to join in the piped in praise music. I even stood up as if I was in a church service and sang my heart out. Still angry.
I listened to very good message on Palm Sunday, but when the preacher started reading how Jesus went into the temple and cleared away the money changers, the merchants, the money makers from them temple in obvious anger, I could finally relate. Yeah, God, I'm angry too.
This virus has worked its evil in the best way possible. It has stopped the assembly of believers gathering together. We are not able to exhort one another, stir up love, give hugs, give encouragement as Hebrews 10:25 commands we do. The best we can do is look at yet another screen and that does not begin to cut it. Sorry, this virtual church service and keeping everyone at a distance does not even qualify for a poor substitute.
I had to go the grocery store the other day and it's like people are afraid to even look your way for fear they will catch something from you. I went into our local bakery and the clerk behind the counter literally screamed, "get out, only three people allowed in the the store at a time." I shrunk out of the store and when a man departed he said, I guess you can go in now. I waited at a safe distance not wanting to be yelled at again. The other two customers paid and left. So, I asked the clerk, "are you okay?"
"No, she said, literally trembing. "I have to work, but I am scared. Really scared."
I wanted to wrap my arms around her but of course I could not. Instead, I told her I would pray for her safety. By the time I left she was considerably calmer, but wow, what kind of panic and fear has the media created? The 24-hour news broadcasts with nothing but the Covid 19 fear-mongering dialogue. The loss of life is tragic, and my heart weeps for those who grieve, but there is another type of pandemic being created. People are locked in the prison of their homes. People can't work and pay their bills. People are crippled with fear. The depression, isolation and fear cause, will be the fall-out with far-reaching damage for months to come. This makes me angry. Why? Because Satan is the author of sickness, death, fear, and panic, and at the moment one would think he is winning.
And so I say ... Let's clear the temple. Let's lead the charge as Jesus did on Palm Sunday and make room in the temple to once again pray, praise and join together. Lets turn over the tables of evil in righteous anger. Out goes the fear. Out goes the constant TV, Net flicks, mind-numbing movies, video games, on-line distractions that lead no where. Christians arise!
How you ask?
In come prayer, and lots of it. In comes fasting. In comes praise and worship. In comes walks in the outdoors praying all the way. In comes the offer to help a neighbour with his groceries, or rake his lawn. In comes a painting that depicts the beauty of God's creation. In comes the writing of music that edifies God. In comes the written word, a letter, a short story, or a book. In comes the phone calls or texts to encourage. In comes the things that will push the darkness back and bring us back together as the body of Christ in power and might.
But the most important thing ... In comes faith. We need God, not man, to heal our land. We need this Covid 19 eridicated.
We need to call out to Yahweh Nissi The LORD-Is-My-Banner meaning victory. He is still in control. We need to claim His power. He has the victory over fear, sin, all evil including this Covid virus. 2 Chronicles 7:14 tells us what we need to do. "If My people (note it does not say non-Christians it say MY PEOPLE) who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."
This is going to take some real soul-searching. The question is ... are we up to the challenge, or do we want to stay locked away in our houses doing zoom services? I, for one, do NOT.
Listen to this boot stomping, soul rising, old hymn by Guy Penroy called Victory in Jesus. Really listen to the words.
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About the author
Blossom Turner is an award-winning novelist, and a free-lance writer published in Chicken Soup and Kernels of Hope anthologies, and former newspaper columnist on health and fitness. A Word Guild semi-finalist for Anna's Secret, Katherine's Arrangement, Amelia’s Heartsong, and a Word Guild winner for Best Romance for Lucinda’s Defender. She has found her home in the writing of historical fiction but is open to wherever God leads. The many 5-star reviews attest to the power of love and romance authentically woven into the Shenandoah Bride Series about five sisters and their five love stories.
Blossom lives in British Columbia, Canada, with her husband, David, of forty years and their dog Lacey named after Lacey Spring, Virginia, where this series takes place. A former businesswoman, personal trainer, and mother of two grown children she is now pursuing her lifelong dream of writing full-time. A hopeless romantic at heart, she believes all story should give the reader significant entertainment value. However, her writing embodies the struggles of real life. She infuses the reality of suffering with the hope of Christ to give a healthy dose of relatable encouragement to her reader. Her desire is to leave the reader with a yearning to live for Christ on a deeper level, or at the very least, create a hunger to seek for more.
Co-author Suzie Zanewhich
Suzie is a certified life coach, leader of emotional health, and resource specialist. She has found her niche as a soul coach.
Suzie finds purpose in empowering individuals to move towards growth, healing, and alignment with their authentic self. Suzie is driven by a calling to live authentically, as the person God created her to be, to reach her fullest potential and lead others to do the same. Her passion is to help others find meaning through discovering their strengths, gifts, personality, temperament and core values.
Suzie is a life-long learner, continuously immersing herself in new courses to learn more about human behaviour, relationships, psychology, child development, emotions, trauma and healing. Because of her craving to always learn more she has earned the title of resource specialist in the area of self-discovery.
Suzie Zanewich lives with her husband in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. She has a patchwork family of four grown children, two daughters, two sons and three granddaughters.
Comments 10
Guest - Viola Hickey
on Monday, 06 April 2020 05:46
I LOVE this Sis! You nailed it!
Blossom Turner
on Monday, 06 April 2020 10:14
We must be blood. LOL Love you Sis.
Guest - Jennifer Sienes
on Monday, 06 April 2020 07:03
As difficult as it is, I feel compelled to look for the good and find ways to serve I might not thought to do previously. We need to take the focus off self and be a light where we can. This is a unique opportunity to shine the light and love of Jesus Christ unlike anything we've seen (at least in my life). Search for the good. God is great. He has a plan and a purpose in this, and I am grateful to see His mighty hand at work.
Blossom Turner
on Monday, 06 April 2020 10:24
Ahhh dear Jennifer you are right about trying to find the good, or different ways to serve - all good. But I am talking about a righteous anger that stirs up the need to repent, pray, fast, beg God for the mercy only He can give. I see my own humanity, so spoiled, so coddled, so self-centred, so driven to entertainment and pleasure. I am seeing myself through a different mirror these days, and I do not want to accept this covid 19, the isolation, the death, pain and suffering without searching out my own heart. I want to rise up and make a difference. For the first time I think that difference begins with dissecting my heart as 2 Chron. 7:14 says.
Guest - Janith Hooper
on Monday, 06 April 2020 14:47
Oh, my, Blossom, I'm with you, my friend. I wondered why no one else was angry about this plague sweeping our country. I hate seeing other believers fearful or panicked, or confused. Some are pulling it together and looking for avenues to serve and bring others to Christ. But so many are just plain baffled. Time to rise up and fight back. Thankfully, I have a Life Group of ladies my age from our church who are all in agreement about most things...this latest attack included. We praise together, pray together, and serve together. What a joy! God Bless you for your blogs, my friend, and for this one in particular!
Blossom Turner
on Monday, 06 April 2020 14:55
Thanks Jan, Good to hear about women of God banning together. When this broke out in China, the Christians were on the front lines aiding sick people who were dropping in the streets. They were not afraid to live their faith, but then what can you expect from the persecuted church. Boy do we have something to learn from them.
Guest - Holly
on Monday, 06 April 2020 18:52
Just lovely. You have such a gift for writing these.
Blossom Turner
on Saturday, 11 April 2020 14:49
Thanks Holly. From you ... a woman of courage in the face of adversity, I take this encouragement and say thank you.
Guest - Donna
on Wednesday, 08 April 2020 07:27
Wow! That was so awesome Sis! I pray hundreds of people are blessed by encouraging blog.
Loved the Song too!!
Blossom Turner
on Saturday, 11 April 2020 14:50
Glad the music touches your heart. You are a woman that has encouraged with song more than I time or two, love you dearly.