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I need ...

Why is it so easy to worry?

Have you ever been in need? Really in need? I personally do not know what it would be like to not have food for my family, or a roof over my head, or not have the clothes I need to to stay warm. My physical needs have always been met. Matthew 6:31 says, "Do not worry, saying 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' ...For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and HIs righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." Does this Scripture only pertain to not worrying about our physical needs or does it encompass a whole lot mo...

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  3725 Hits

Take 5 - Soul Encouragement - God Who Sanctifies

You Have Been Made Holy -White as Snow

 NO need to fear. Let us take every anxious thought captive by praising and praying to our amazing God today. 5 minutes of solitude to meditate on the following name of God will lift your spirits. To know the names of God is to know His character. To know His character reveals His love. To understand His love eradicates all worry. Each time a worrisome thought arises today cry out to: Name of God: Yahweh-M'Kaddesh or Mekaddishkem—The LORD Who Sanctifies. What does it mean to be sanctified? It means to be made holy, set apart as sacred, consecrated. Just breath that in for one moment. Don't rush by this. You are made holy, and white ...

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  3856 Hits

Worst Palm Sunday Ever!

The leaves may die, but Spring holds the Victory. Covid 19 may reign but for a season, but My God is the author of Spring

I got up angry. I reluctantly joined the zoom church service - angry. I tried. I tried real hard to join in the piped in praise music. I even stood up as if I was in a church service and sang my heart out. Still angry. I listened to very good message on Palm Sunday, but when the preacher started reading how Jesus went into the temple and cleared away the money changers, the merchants, the money makers from them temple in obvious anger, I could finally relate. Yeah, God, I'm angry too. This virus has worked its evil in the best way possible. It has stopped the assembly of believers gathering together. We are not able to exh...

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  4124 Hits

Take 5 - Soul Encouragement - Immanuel, God With Us

Creation Sings out the name of Immanuel-God with us.

Let us take every anxious thought captive by praising and praying to our amazing God today. Offer up 5 minutes of solitude to meditate on the following name of God and what it means. To know the names of God is to know His character. To know His character reveals His love. To understand His love eradicates all worry. Each time a worrisome thought arises today cry out to: Name of God: Immanuel—God with us. Scripture: Is. 7:14; Matt. 1:23 Prayer: How comforting to know that Immanuel you are with us. You are true to your word, you have not, nor will you ever leave us or forsake us as Hebrews 13:5 promises. We are not alone. You are with us. Than...

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  4115 Hits

Take 5 - Soul Encouragement - God Almighty

Is there any doubt The All Sufficient One has this world in His hands?

Let us take every anxious thought captive by praising and praying to our amazing God today. Offer up 5 minutes of solitude to meditate on the following name of God and what it means. To know the names of God is to know His character. To know His character reveals His love. To understand His love eradicates all worry. Each time a worrisome thought arises today cry out to: Name of God: El Shaddai—The All Sufficient One, God Almighty Scripture: Gen. 17:1; Ps. 91:1, Job 11:7 Translated as God Almighty or Almighty God in our Bible Prayer: El Shaddai, nothing is too big for you to handle. We know you have this world in your trustworthy hands even i...

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  3673 Hits

Take 5 - Soul Encouragement - Everlasting God

Our Everlasting God - The Eternal One who made the oceans and sunsets to Him be the Glory.

 Let us take every anxious thought captive by praising and praying to our amazing God today. Offer up 5 minutes of solitude to meditate on the following name of God and what it means. To know the names of God is to know His character. To know His character reveals His love. To understand His love eradicates all worry. Each time a worrisome thought arises today cry out to: Name of God: El Olam—The Everlasting God, The Eternal One. Scripture: Gen. 21:33; Is. 40:28; Romans 1:20 Prayer: El Olam you are the Alpha and Omega, The First and the Last. There is no beginning or end with you. I can trust you. You have all in your control. Amen Song:...

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  3733 Hits

Take 5 - Soul Encouragement - Elohim

Look at this intricate picture and you will see the hand of God

Let us take every anxious thought captive by praising and praying to our amazing God today. Offer up 5 minutes of solitude to meditate on the following name of God and what it means. To know the names of God is to know His character. To know His character reveals His love. To understand His love eradicates all worry. Each time a worrisome thought arises today cry out to: Name of God: Elohim—All-Powerful One; Creator, God Scripture: Gen. 1:1-3; Deut. 10:7; Num. 23:19 Translated as "God" in the Scriptures. Prayer: You, oh God, created the vast universe. You know every nook and cranny, every creature in the sea, every bird of the air, every blad...

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  3655 Hits

Take 5 - Soul Encouragement - El -The Strong One

El - The Strong One

Let us take every anxious thought captive by praising and praying to our amazing God today. Offer up 5 minutes of solitude to meditate on the following name of God and what it means. To know the names of God is to know His character. To know His character reveals His love. To understand His love eradicates all worry. Each time a worrisome thought arises today cry out to: Name of God: El—The Strong One. (God who overcomes all) Scripture: Exodus 15:2; Number 23:22; Deut. 7:9 Prayer: Dear God, You are the Strong and Mighty One, you overcome all our enemies. This Covid 19 virus is an enemy to humanity and we call out to you for mercy today t...

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  3732 Hits

Take 5 - Soul Encouragement - Adonai

Adonai you are with me

 Let us take every anxious thought captive by praising and praying to our amazing God today. Offer up 5 minutes of solitude to meditate on the following name of God and what it means. To know the names of God is to know His character. To know His character reveals His love. To understand His love eradicates all worry. Each time a worrisome thought arises today cry out to: Name of God: Adonai—My Lord, My Master. How comforting to know we are not alone we have loving Master. Scripture: Gen. 15:2; Ps. 8:9 "Oh LORD (Yahweh) our Lord (Adonai), How excellent is Your name in all the earth!" Translated in our Scripture as "Lord" i...

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  3976 Hits

Take 5 - Soul Encouragement - Yahweh

Yahweh - The Great I AM

Let us take every anxious thought captive by praising and praying to our amazing God today. Offer up 5 minutes of solitude to meditate on the following name of God and what it means. To know the names of God is to know His character. To know His character reveals His love. To understand His love eradicates all worry. Each time a worrisome thought arises today cry out to: Name of God: Yahweh YHVH—The Great I AM, The One Who Is Scripture: Gen. 2:4; Ex. 3:14 YHVH is translated as LORD with caps in our Bible. All other Names in Scripture reveal God's work and His character, but this name Yahweh shows His substance. Prayer: Yahweh, You are the Gre...

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  3427 Hits

Take 5 - Soul Encouragement - The God Who Sees

The God Who Sees

Let us take every anxious thought captive by praising and praying to our amazing God today. Offer up 5 minutes of solitude and meditate on the following name of God and what it means. To know the names of God is know His character. To know His character reveals His love. To understand His love eradicates all worry. Each time a worrisome thought arises today cry out to:Name of God: El Roi—The God Who Sees MeScripture: Gen. 16:11-14; Ps. 139:7-12Prayer: Thank you El Roi for the comfort that You see me, my inner thoughts, my battles, my complexities and that you care intimately for me and my loved ones.Song: An amaz...

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  3746 Hits

Take 5 - Your Daily Encouragement ... God Most High

God Most High

I don't know about you, but I'll be honest? Even though I know my Scripture and have my Jesus I have found myself on edge, and getting anxious at times this past week. What was a distant world problem a few weeks ago, is now on my doorstep. Though I prayed for the people of China, it seemed so far removed. Not so anymore. I am under self-quarantine because the dentist office I went to, (though knowing their staff had been at a dental conference where ten known cases of the Covid 19 virus was confirmed) continued to work. The health officials in BC deemed that the hysteria they may create by shutting down all BC dental offices outwei...

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  3643 Hits

The Gift Of A Heavenly Father When Your Earthly Parents Fail

Your Father in Heaven cares.

I came across Matthew 6:32, 33 … "for your Heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and all His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you," and something profound hit me. To truly believe in a Father who wants to supply our every need, we must first believe in a good, loving and kind Heavenly Father. If you struggle with the concept of a loving Heavenly Father because you associate the way your earthly parents treated you to God, then this blog is for you. We start out in life with a mother and a father that shape and mold our view of what the word "Father" may conjure up. Both par...

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  5674 Hits