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Take 5 - Soul Encouragement - God Who Sanctifies

You Have Been Made Holy -White as Snow

 NO need to fear. Let us take every anxious thought captive by praising and praying to our amazing God today. 5 minutes of solitude to meditate on the following name of God will lift your spirits. To know the names of God is to know His character. To know His character reveals His love. To understand His love eradicates all worry. Each time a worrisome thought arises today cry out to: Name of God: Yahweh-M'Kaddesh or Mekaddishkem—The LORD Who Sanctifies. What does it mean to be sanctified? It means to be made holy, set apart as sacred, consecrated. Just breath that in for one moment. Don't rush by this. You are made holy, and white ...

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A WORTHY BLOG SUBJECT I was wondering what to write about in my blog that would speak to all people not just to fellow writers or readers of inspirational romance, but to the soul of every boy and girl, every seeker, every person on their journey through life no matter the age, sex, race, religion, or political preference and only one subject came to mind. Only one subject is BIG enough, interesting enough, and powerful enough to fall into this category. Only one subject can embrace the atheist, the agnostic, the seeker, and the believer all at the same time because they are all people of beautiful creation. Only one subject can stand the tes...

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