By now the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season has enveloped your world unless you are a scrooge or the Grinch. Ha Ha And yet I write … With the hope … You will be blessed by putting the most amazing blessing first—Jesus Christ. Over the past three weeks of advent we have allowed the Prophet's Candle of HOPE, the Bethlehem Candle of FAITH, and the Shepherd's candle of JOY to spark our Christmas season into flame. This last week of advent we will light the Angel's Candle of LOVE and on Christmas day you will light the final candle in the middle of your wreath representing JESUS CHRIST. My prayer for you is that the flicker of flame...
You Are Invited!
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 3641 Hits
Have you have been invited to a wedding this summer? How would you feel if you were invited as an honoured guest to a royal wedding, or to the wedding of a famous movie star? I bet you would be thrilled and talking about it non-stop. Well I have an invitation, you have an invitation to the most spectacular wedding of all time where the King of Kings will be the Bridegroom and you will not be a mere guest, oh no, much better ... you will be the Bride. Jesus calls Himself the Bridegroom (Matt. 9:14-15 and Matt. 25:1-13) He called the church (all believers) the bride. Why? Because He knew that no matter how good a marriage is here...