In the Toronto Star this past week Omar Mosleh wrote about a coming phenomenon that has not been seen since medieval times and may account for the wonder that the wise men seen in the heavenlies when Jesus was born. "On Dec. 21, which is also the date of the winter solstice, the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn will appear to align in the night sky, occurring as a single ultra-bright light in a rare event known as the 'Christmas Star.'" (Though science tells us at the time of Jesus' birth, Venus and Jupiter were aligning.) Of course, I'm going to peek into the heavens on that date, but it's got me thinking. How like our amazing Father ...
If JOY had a Price Tag...It Would Read, Free to Those With This...
- Blossom Turner
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- 4368 Hits
With all the Covid restrictions this Christmas season, maybe, just maybe, there is a silver lining splitting through the dark clouds of gathering gloom. Could it be that God wants us to sloooooow down? Could it be in the hush, not the rush, in the stillness not the scurry, in the presence of God we find the present? The gift of advent has rendered my type A personality, the Martha in me, to slow, to still, to invite silence. Each morning as I read and meditate on the advent Scriptures a metamorphosis unfolds. Joy leaks into my soul one silent moment at a time. Advent candle number two is the "Bethlehem Candle," and it symbolizes faith. S...
Something More Than The Hustle and Bustle of Christmas ...
- Blossom Turner
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- Names of God
- 4586 Hits
By now the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season has enveloped your world unless you are a scrooge or the Grinch. Ha Ha And yet I write … With the hope … You will be blessed by putting the most amazing blessing first—Jesus Christ. Over the past three weeks of advent we have allowed the Prophet's Candle of HOPE, the Bethlehem Candle of FAITH, and the Shepherd's candle of JOY to spark our Christmas season into flame. This last week of advent we will light the Angel's Candle of LOVE and on Christmas day you will light the final candle in the middle of your wreath representing JESUS CHRIST. My prayer for you is that the flicker of flame...
What You Need to Make the Christmas Season JOY Filled!
- Blossom Turner
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- Names of God
- 5006 Hits
The last two weeks I have been encouraging the lighting of the advent wreath, why? The reason is easy, and intentional—I want to celebrate Christmas not just on the 25th but the whole month through. I invite you to join me on this Advent journey. December 1st we lit the "Prophet's Candle," symbolizing hope. It reminded the old testament patriarchs to keep the hope of a coming King… a Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger. It reminded the New Testament believers to have hope beyond the death of their Savior who died for the sins of the world. They began the great commission and proclaimed the good news that Je...
Let's light Our Second Advent Candle Together - The Bethlehem Candle
- Blossom Turner
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- Names of God
- 7947 Hits
We are going to light candle number two this week and celebrate the glorious meaning of Christmas. This candle is called the "Bethlehem Candle," and it symbolizes faith. Seven hundred years before Christ was born the prophet Isaiah proclaimed these words. Isaiah 7:14 "Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel." This time of year, I reflect upon what it must have felt like for the scared young woman—Mary to be pregnant out of wedlock, and for a man of integrity—Joseph (no more than a boy himself) who married her despite the unusual circumstances. All...
What Is Christmas? Come With Me On A Celebration Of The Heart.
- Blossom Turner
- Names of God
- 4324 Hits
This year I want to concentrate on celebrating Christmas more intentionally. I do not want the harried pace of Christmas' past, nor to be so wrapped up (no pun intended) in the traditions of decorating, shopping, ribbons and bows that I feel exhausted come Christmas Eve. And so, I invite you along on a Christmas journey with me. Let's light the four advent candles not only on our table centrepiece but in our hearts, and take the time daily, to be present with the Lord. If you do have an advent wreath then lets light the first candle, "The Prophet's Candle" together. If you don't have a wreath, curl up into a chair and in the Spirit join ...