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The Story Behind the Story.

RGB72_Annas_Secret Anna's Secret, a story of love and forgiveness.

Ephesians 1:17 "That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, may give to you the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of Him."

Wow, when I read this verse, really breathe it in, I am in awe. Our Father of Glory will give to us the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation. He will give Himself.

Never did I need wisdom more than during the season of my life when my marriage hit the wall of infidelity. I wanted to run, but God said stay. I wanted to hate, but God said love. I wanted to rage, but God said forgive. Out of this suffering a fiction story from the well of God's deep reservoir of revelation, was completed.

As an author people ask what inspired Anna's Secret. This is not a plug for my book as much as it is a plug for forgiveness.

Much of what an author writes comes from that deep place within, lessons they have learned, world values they hold, sorrows they have overcome. God has purpose for every bit of pain we go through, and though Anna's Secret is completely fictitious the message on love, failure, and forgiveness, is very relevant.

I began writing Anna's Secret years ago with nothing more than a good romance in mind, but half way through the process I found out my own personal life was unraveling. My husband had failed me in the worst way possible with many a lie of his own. The truth of infidelity hit hard. In the midst of writing about a character that needed her family to forgive her—my own words haunted the portals of my mind. I didn't like the trite way in which I had depicted the pain people cause others when they sin. Nor, could I bear the thought of forgiveness, I was too angry and wounded. So that book sat on a shelf uncompleted where I planned to keep it.

Fast forward twelve years … a restored marriage, the incredibly difficult principle of forgiving the unforgivable accomplished, and God's healing power given. God made it clear it was time to leave the business we owned and return to my writing. When I prayed for direction on what to write He told me to pick up Anna's Secret. I could barely remember the characters. A quick read through to where I left off opened the flood gates and the rest poured out, page after page. God had a message for me to share through story.

Jesus loves story. He spoke in parables. I believe when writing is given to God, the gift of story can become a modern-day parable infused with the Spirit of God. I pray that Anna's Secret will not only entertain people, for if that's all it delivers, I will be most disappointed. My heart is that Anna's Secret will touch deep into the soul of every reader and they will be encouraged in the Lord to take their hurts, their heartache, their harrowing experiences, and follow the path of forgiveness toward inner healing.

Why? Because inner healing is possible and freedom from bitterness such a powerful gift to oneself. So, I pray this verse over the wounded. I pray this verse over the hurting. I pray this verse over the broken. "That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, may give to you the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of Him." With His wonderful wisdom and revelation, you will know what to do in your circumstance. (Not all roads lead to restoration of a marriage, for the spouse that failed has hard work ahead. Some will not choose to repent and turn from their sin, turn to God for power, and seek out the Godly counselling required. God's wisdom for your protection may be different than mine, you may be required to leave.)

As for all of you with a wonderful marriage, thank God from the bottom of your heart, and pray the verse above for all those suffering around you. One need not look far to find those in pain, living in loneliness. Also, this verse can be applied to most any problem in life. This week call out to Yahweh using this sacred title - The Spirit of Wisdom and Knowledge, He is waiting for you in love.

This amazing song by Mathew West called "Forgiveness" is a wonderful encouragement to all of us who struggle at times to forgive.

Anna's Secret (An Inspirational Romance)

What Would You Do If Your Fall From Grace Could Be Hidden With One Little Lie?

Anna Clarke is worn out from years of taking care of her distant and chronically ill husband. When he dies and loneliness consumes her, the consummate good girl falls from grace in a moment of weakness and passion.

She tries to forget what happened until a horrifying reality hits—she's pregnant.

But there's a way out. Her friends and family assume the baby is her late husband's. Anna embraces the lie and buries the truth in the deep recesses of her soul. The lies multiple, then spin out of control, until the biological father shows up—the handsome Dr. Matthew Carmichael. A man who desperately wants to be a father to his child and desires a deeper relationship with Anna. A man who she has feelings for, but who doesn't share her faith.

However, telling the truth could destroy all of Anna's most cherished relationships, but hiding the truth will destroy her soul, and any chance with Matthew Carmichael. In the end, Anna is forced to make the most difficult choice of her life. 

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Comments 2

Guest - Jennifer Sienes on Tuesday, 14 May 2019 03:47

I love how God has taken your pain and turned into a beautiful ministry, Blossom. My two takeaway scriptures for everything I write is 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 and Romans 8:28. I pray all we write will reflect His glory. Praying for you, my friend.

I love how God has taken your pain and turned into a beautiful ministry, Blossom. My two takeaway scriptures for everything I write is 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 and Romans 8:28. I pray all we write will reflect His glory. Praying for you, my friend.
Blossom Turner on Monday, 27 May 2019 15:10

I agree that our personal stories have power in which to infuse the fiction we write with reality and authenticity. God Bless you dear Jennifer as you write for Him.

I agree that our personal stories have power in which to infuse the fiction we write with reality and authenticity. God Bless you dear Jennifer as you write for Him.
Wednesday, 26 March 2025

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