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Give Thanks...Are You Kidding Me?

When giving thanks feels near impossible...WHY BOTHER?

A book entitled One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voscamp has beautifully epitomized the power found in taking the time to be thankful. I highly recommend this read.

Interestingly enough, this book reinforced a concept God had taught me some years earlier.

I understand fully how difficult it may be to give thanks in the midst of sorrow, but I also want to reiterate the fact that when thankfulness is at its hardest, it is at its most powerful.
I remember one evening when out for a walk how I begged God to be done with me, so I could be done with the pain of betrayal. Instead His Spirit encouraged me to speak out loud a few words of thankfulness.

Everything within recoiled at the thought, but I was desperate to lift the darkness. I feared I was sliding into a pit I could not climb out of.

So I thought for a moment and started with the obvious.

I thanked God for my son,

my daughter,


my new puppy


and the fact the sun split across the western ridge in the most amazing sunset.

These whispered words of obedience were enough to change my whole demeanor.

This so impacted me that I began to daily make a point of finding something, anything to thank God for. The list grew and so did the power and strength to live and fight for healing.

So for today…

As hard as it may be…

Find something, even if its small, to thank God for.

You will be amazed how this obedience lifts the darkness and soothes the soul.

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Rather Than Fight, I Write
Ever Wake up Angry, Tormented or Sad?


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Friday, 14 March 2025

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