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 God (Elohim) Shows up in Nature God (Elohim) Shows up in Nature


In my last blog, I made some BIG statements, and I plan to unfold, elaborate, and expand upon this subject week by week. I will start with a once a week blog each Monday morning with the hope you will use the information given to transform your life.

The subject is not new, has been done before, and is as old as time… but as I talk to people, so few have delved into the power just waiting to be theirs by calling on the NAMES OF GOD. THIS PRACTISE HAS REVOLUTIONIZED MY LIFE, and I am so excited to share it with you.

There are many names of God because He is vast and amazing, however, we will begin with Elohim which is Hebrew for God. Not any old god, but THE ONLY GOD meaning "omnipotent power, or All Powerful One." Elohim is used in the Old Testament 3,393 times from Genesis to Malachi. And in John 20:27-28 doubting Thomas sees Jesus after he has been crucified and buried yet somehow alive and well, and calls Jesus "my Lord and my God (Elohim)." Other New Testament Scriptures which encompass the divinity of Jesus and the oneness of Jesus and God are: Christ as God—Rom. 9:5, God in the flesh—1 Tim. 3:16, Christ as Deity Col. 2:9, God our Savior—1 Tim. 2:3, Our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ— Titus 2:13, and the True God 1 John 5:20.


"But I'm an atheist, an agnostic, or a doubter," you say.

I respect just where you are at, but ask you to do a little experiment to prove if your present belief structure holds up against the God (Elohim). Now this will take courage. The experiment is to call out this week on Elohim. Ask Him boldly… "God if you are real, speak into my spirit and show yourself to me by showing up in my life."

I am so confident that this expression of faith will render a response, I am asking you to share your story with me. God will show up… be it through nature (His creation), or an over-whelming sense of His presence, an unsolicited kindness from a God (Elohim) believer, or help in a way that is especially tailored to your need. This Elohim, All Powerful God is able to make Himself known in a variety of ways to anyone who reaches out in an honest quest for truth.


I challenge you dear believing friend to cry out to Elohim, our omnipotent God, All Powerful One for this next week at least three times during the day as Daniel did in Daniel 6:10. Silence the world around you and take time to stop long enough to think, praise and breath in the name of Elohim, not for what you get from Him, but to be with Him. Be intentional to focus on what His name "God" really means…All Powerful One. Take five minutes first thing in the morning and begin this practise. If you work away from home carve out five minutes of solitude at noon in your car, outside in nature, in a quiet corner of the warehouse, wherever, but it must be quiet. Then last thing at night before you close your eyes to sleep, focus one more time on our omnipotent God. Go to sleep with the name Elohim on your lips. As Colossians 3:1-23 encourages, "Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. (Elohim). Set your minds on things above, not on earthy things."

Expect God (Elohim) to show up in your life in a more powerful way, because He will, I guarantee it. I'm not saying everything you want using the name Elohim will magically appear, but something greater will happen. Your faith will increase. As Romans 2:4-5 says, "…not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's (Elohim's) power." You will have more power to tackle the everyday hurdles. You will fill up with Elohim's presence and power and you will live differently. You will live the abundant life despite the hardship currently in your life.

I welcome any Elohim God stories, where you have been touched from power on high.

I will post your responses.

Go with God. Elohim is tenderly waiting to hear your voice.

(Scripture NIV)

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Monday, 28 October 2024

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