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Step 7 How Will Knowing Your Gifts Help You Thrive?

You are meant to thrive...

Would you like to thrive and live with more passion, meaning and purpose? And…be able to give to others out of the beautiful creation you are? You can accomplish this by discovering your God-given gifts…what you are born with and what the Holy Spirit gives you at salvation. Natural Talent: God knit gifts into us at the time of our conception. These unique gifts are given with purpose…to help others and glorify God. Non-believers often refer to these gifts as natural talent. Are you born to sing, to write, to organize, to teach, to lead? Are you athletic, musical, or artistic and on the list goes? Everyone is born with something they excel in,...

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Introduction to a 7 Part Series. Do You Suffer From Low Self-Worth?

What would an author of historical romance, a life coach, and a friendship have in common? And why should you read on? What does any of this have to do with low self-worth? Once upon a time…long, long ago, 50 years plus, there lived a little girl who believed the words shouted over her repeatedly, "You good for nothing filthy wretch." It took years for this little one, well into adulthood in fact, to shake this message and travel on a journey toward emotional health. It was not until she embraced God's love, combined with new thinking that she found she had energy and confidence to follow her dreams. Low self-worth drains a person and takes a...

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