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Introduction to a 7 Part Series. Do You Suffer From Low Self-Worth?


What would an author of historical romance, a life coach, and a friendship have in common? And why should you read on? What does any of this have to do with low self-worth?

Once upon a time…long, long ago, 50 years plus, there lived a little girl who believed the words shouted over her repeatedly, "You good for nothing filthy wretch." It took years for this little one, well into adulthood in fact, to shake this message and travel on a journey toward emotional health. It was not until she embraced God's love, combined with new thinking that she found she had energy and confidence to follow her dreams. Low self-worth drains a person and takes away creativity.

Now, through the medium of fiction and story each book she writes brings a message of hope. Teamed with her good friend, Suzie Zanewich, a resource specialist and life coach, they collectively are excited to share seven, tried and true steps to a healthy self-worth…the gateway to an authentic purpose-filled life.

Over the next seven months, every last Tuesday of the month we will share:

· Tidbits of our life

· Give a sneak preview into a new novel which will be out in October which deals with this very relevant issue.

· But most importantly, focus on you!

· We will share the step-by-step process on how to pull out of this vicious cycle, and the painful words spoken over you.

· You will receive information on 'how to love yourself' and begin the process toward full healing.

· And, the very best part…this information will encourage you on the path to reaching your highest potential.

You may ask why should I listen to these women? They are not doctors, or psychologists or even a New York Times best seller, and you'd be right. We are just everyday people like you, and therein lies the hope. If we can find healing from traumatic relationships, so can you. If we can learn how to become an author or life coach and reach all God intended us to be, so can you!  Without taking the long way around like we did, we will share informational nuggets of gold that will help you follow the dreams placed within your heart, because as everyday people we know it can be done.

Please do not think this process is instantaneous, however the truth indeed sets us free. It is said it takes a good month to break an old habit or form a new one. Here are the seven steps you can look forward to going through with us with a full month in between to implement each step.

1) Discover your Creator… the One who knows you better than you know yourself. He will be your guide, wisdom and power source. (July 26, 22)

2) Discover your personality type. Understand how you are created. (August 30, 22)

3) Discover your top five strengths to help you maximize your potential. (September 27, 22)

4) Discover your core values and how to live in alignment with what is most meaningful to you. (October 25, 2022)

5) Discover your love language in order to connect more deeply with those closest to you. (November 29, 2022)

6) Discover your level of sensitivity. Each individual is created differently and responses differently to the world around them. (January 31, 2023 /December will be a Christmas theme.)

7) Discover your natural gifts and uniqueness…there is only one beautiful YOU! (February 28, 2023)

Embark upon this journey with us starting on July 26th and expect to see significant positive results over these next seven months and your life beyond. 

Written by Blossom Turner and co-author Suzie Zanewich

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Comments 2

Guest - Deb Foy

on Tuesday, 28 June 2022 15:32

Love this ladies
Cheering you on in your empowerment and growth

Love this ladies Cheering you on in your empowerment and growth

Blossom Turner

on Tuesday, 28 June 2022 15:38

Thanks for your words of encouragement Deb. Hugs to your day!

Thanks for your words of encouragement Deb. Hugs to your day!
Monday, 28 October 2024

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