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Step 1: Would you like to feel good about yourself?

iStock-1070308664 To understand how wonderfully we are created...we all need this Friend

Step One: Discover your Creator… the One who knows you better than you know yourself. He will be your guide, wisdom, and power source. 

by Suzie Zanewich guest blogger.

Even before I knew Christ, God had a plan. He reconnected me with my dear friend Blossom, who is a true believer in Jesus Christ. He knew I was going to need someone who knew Him intimately and could teach and guide me to be a follower of Jesus.

During our friendship talks when I had life questions Blossom would always direct me to pray and seek the Lord. She believed God would answer my prayers, and to my delight God did not disappoint. Through this beautiful friend who God divinely placed in my life at a time when I was ready, open and eager to learn, my life in Christ began. After I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour, one of the biggest things God led me to do was to take my life coach training, but He did not stop there. What a marvel to discover my personality type and my strengths. I was beginning to know myself and how intricately I was created. My journey of healing and self-discovery began. I soon found that the more I surrendered my life to Him, the more He became my guide, wisdom and power source.

Knowing this truth strengthened my confidence in who I am and empowered me to push forward to learn more. God placed Psalm 139:13-16 in my heart.

· Psalm 139:13-16 "For you created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, and I was woven together in the depth of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in Your Book before one of them came to be." NIV

How wonderful to grasp that I was not unplanned. Though a surprise to my parents (6 years after they thought they were done), I was born on purpose for a purpose.

I know with all my heart that God also guided me to read books by Christian authors. This, coupled with the Word of God helped me learn complex Biblical concepts quickly, and move into what God had planned for me. The Bible says that if we hunger and thirst for knowledge He will fill us up. He truly gave me an unquenchable thirst for reading, and learning, about myself and Him so that I could share this with others.

I tell you all of this to encourage you. My story is not unique. What God did for me, He will do for you. God knows exactly what He created you for. He placed unique gifts, talents and abilities within you so that you will be equipped to fulfill His purpose. He placed desires in your heart so you can be drawn to the things He gifted you to do.

If you are a seeker and do not yet know Christ as your personal Saviour both me (Suzie) and Blossom are here for you. Leave a comment and we will personally contact you via email.

But if you are a believer and struggle with self-worth, because hey, both Blossom and I have been there, we want to hear from you too. We will walk this journey with you.

Soak in those verses above…really soak them in. For one of the first steps to healing is embracing the truth about yourself.

· You were Knit together in your mother's womb. This means you were intentionally formed just the way you are, with the things you like about yourself and the things you struggle with.

· You are fearfully and wonderfully made. This means just what it says. Fearfully means awesomely made. You are perfect in the eyes of God.

· God thinks what He created in you is wonderful.

· Does your soul know what God says about the creation of you… do you believe this full well, or do you struggle with this concept?

· Do you trust that all your days are fashioned, written, and designed by the Almighty even before there was one of them? Would you like to reach your potential?

If God can use an uneducated, abused child, and create an author who writes for Him, and take another child born into an addictive environment and create a resource specialist and life-coach, then He can do wild and wonderful things with your life too. We are here to cheer you on.

God's word is powerful and a mighty sword to slice through the lies the enemy of your soul constantly whispers to you, telling you that you are not good enough. Memorize those verses above and the ones below to combat the lies. And you will begin the journey toward all you were created to be.

· Jeremiah 29:11

· Jeremiah 33:3

Because the enemy of your soul tries to steal your identity and make you question who God created you to be, we suggest you check out these free resources from two amazing Women's Ministries.

Joyce Meyer offers a free study on Battlefield of the Mind.

This 25-day study is designed to encourage and equip you to renew your mind through God's Word. It includes Emails, Video, Scriptures, Articles, Tips.

Or watch this message on YouTube on the Battlefield of the Mind

Beth Moore has an excellent book called Get Out of That Pit

You can access many resources and watch her tv program (Living Proof) from her website at

Blossom Turner's next novel Jeanette's Gift (out on October 11, 22) tackles self worth issues in the form of story. She is delighted to bring you a historical romance that will be sure to entertain, but also encourage you on your road to healing. The principals that Jeanette learns and applies in the novel are Biblical truths that set people free today.

Read the synopsis at 

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