The Bread of Life
And Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life." John 6:35
Bread. My favourite. Give me a choice between a fresh slice of bread with butter and a decadent dessert, and I will go for the bread any day, all day long. In fact, the extra ten pounds I cart around can be attributed to my love of bread. It stands to reason then, that John chapter six is one of my favourites. Let me explain.
The chapter starts out with Jesus feeding a great multitude (5000) famished people with two small fish and yup, bread—five barley loaves (a staple of that day). The crowd had followed Jesus up the mountain in search of the miraculous with no thought for food. Hunger set in.
Jesus satisfied the body with physical bread before he taught about bread for the soul. This is a good template for us. Feed that hungry soul before sharing the goodness of God. Show, then tell.
Four times in this chapter Jesus uses the imagery of bread to describe how He is nourishment to the soul, as bread is nourishment to the body. In other words, He really wants us to understand this concept.
- John 6:32 True Bread from heaven and verse 58. "This is the bread which came down from heaven—not as your fathers ate the manna, and are dead. He who eats this bread will live forever."
- John 6:33 "For the Bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world."
- John 6:35 Jesus said, "I am the Bread of Life." V.47 & 48 "Most assuredly, I say to you, He who believes in Me has everlasting life. I am the Bread of Life."
- John 6:51 "I am the Living Bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever."
How easy it is for me to sit down in the morning with my toast and coffee, and gobble my bread down wanting more. I do not become distracted, or bored, or leave the plate half finished.
How much more does the True Bread of Life deserve my attention, my desire, my time? So, I ask myself, if I'm not spending quality time with the Bread of Life each day, how is my soul doing?
Henry Gariepy in 100 Portraits of Christ sums up this name of God beautifully. "Only Christ, who is the Bread of Life, can satisfy the deepest hunger and yearning of the soul."
A Prayer for you to pray using these four wonderful Names of God.
Dear Bread from Heaven feed my soul so that I am not spiritually hungry or suffer from malnutrition. Oh, Bread of Life, as this new year unfolds come to me in all your fullness and nourish my soul so that I might encourage another. Bread of God, smother that butter on and let me feast upon your goodness, your gifts, your blessings, so that I may bless others. Thank you, dear Living Bread, for the incredible gift of life eternal. I love you. I praise you. I lift my heart to you oh True Bread from Heaven. Amen
Photo taken by Diann Turner (Thanks dear cousin.)
All Scripture taken from the NKJV
Other Names of God:
1) Elohim-God - October 1, 2018
2) Abba Father - October 15, 2018
3) El Shaddai - October 22, 2018
4) The Truth - October 28, 2018
5) The Alpha & Omega - Nov. 5, 2018
6) Jehovah-Shalom - Nov. 12, 2018
7) God of All Comfort - Nov. 19,2018
8) The Rock - Nov. 26, 2018
9) Our Maker - Dec. 3, 2018
10) Our Defender - Dec.10, 2018
11) Immanuel - Dec. 17, 2018
12) The Bread of Life - Jan. 7, 2019
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About the author
Blossom Turner is an award-winning novelist, and a free-lance writer published in Chicken Soup and Kernels of Hope anthologies, and former newspaper columnist on health and fitness. A Word Guild semi-finalist for Anna's Secret, Katherine's Arrangement, Amelia’s Heartsong, and a Word Guild winner for Best Romance for Lucinda’s Defender. She has found her home in the writing of historical fiction but is open to wherever God leads. The many 5-star reviews attest to the power of love and romance authentically woven into the Shenandoah Bride Series about five sisters and their five love stories.
Blossom lives in British Columbia, Canada, with her husband, David, of forty years and their dog Lacey named after Lacey Spring, Virginia, where this series takes place. A former businesswoman, personal trainer, and mother of two grown children she is now pursuing her lifelong dream of writing full-time. A hopeless romantic at heart, she believes all story should give the reader significant entertainment value. However, her writing embodies the struggles of real life. She infuses the reality of suffering with the hope of Christ to give a healthy dose of relatable encouragement to her reader. Her desire is to leave the reader with a yearning to live for Christ on a deeper level, or at the very least, create a hunger to seek for more.
Co-author Suzie Zanewhich
Suzie is a certified life coach, leader of emotional health, and resource specialist. She has found her niche as a soul coach.
Suzie finds purpose in empowering individuals to move towards growth, healing, and alignment with their authentic self. Suzie is driven by a calling to live authentically, as the person God created her to be, to reach her fullest potential and lead others to do the same. Her passion is to help others find meaning through discovering their strengths, gifts, personality, temperament and core values.
Suzie is a life-long learner, continuously immersing herself in new courses to learn more about human behaviour, relationships, psychology, child development, emotions, trauma and healing. Because of her craving to always learn more she has earned the title of resource specialist in the area of self-discovery.
Suzie Zanewich lives with her husband in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. She has a patchwork family of four grown children, two daughters, two sons and three granddaughters.
Comments 1
A very beautiful devotion. It strikes me with regularity that humans feed themselves physically in North America but are starved for spiritual bread - and don't seem to notice.