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IMG_3282 Peace is the light behind the clouds of life.


 Names of God #6

In this world of worry and constant change one of the greatest gifts to have ... is peace.

The dictionary states that peace is the freedom from disturbance; a quiet and tranquility and/or freedom from war or violence. I say peace is larger than that definition, it is freedom from ALL fear.

The first time in the Bible that God introduced Himself as Jehovah-Shalom is in Judges 6:23,24. (Yahweh-Shalom pronounced shah-LOME means The Lord Is Peace.) For God to be the source of peace, or the peace giver to mankind, He has to embody perfect peace. In other words, nothing can disturb, distort, or disaffirm the perfect balance of peace within His divine nature. When He states "The Lord is Peace," He is stating His power to grant peace to all who believe. Peace and trust are inseparable, you can't have one without the other.

God came to a young man named Gideon and gave him the difficult task of leading the Israelites out of severe oppression into victory. The Midianites had raided their crops and stolen their livestock for seven years causing the Israelites to live in mountain caves. When the Israelites finally repented of their sin and called out to God, He came to Gideon with a challenge and a promise. God chose Gideon though he was from the weakest clan and considered the runt of the family because God could see into his humble heart. (Judges 6:15) In faith, Gideon, built an alter in God's name called Yahweh-Shalom because peace replaced fear and he believed that God would both equip and strengthen him. (The full story is a fascinating read in Judges 6&7.)


Are you afraid?

Do issues about your extended family, politics, children, finances, marriage, grief, health, loneliness etc. keep you awake at night?

In the big world of hatred between nations, political parties, and different races, down to discord in our personal world … at work, in families, neighbours and marriages, peace is a lost entity, but it does not need to be.

God, our Creator has created all of us with a void, a vacuum, a pocket of restlessness that can only be filled by Him. Isaiah 57:20,21; and Isaiah 59:8 says there is no peace to those outside of God.This means money, good health, fantastic relationships, power, a new love, or any other dream that we may think will bring peace … will not.

If you feel like you have been wandering long enough and want security and comfort no matter what trial you are walking through, come to the peace giver. Cry out to Yahweh-Shalom. He is waiting to fill your soul with sweet peace.


I know it's easy to write that anyone who calls upon the name Yahweh-Shalom will receive strength and peace even when the circumstances are dire, but I believe this with all my heart having lived through the crucible of suffering. (Read my "about me" page.) Tough experiences hit every life at some time or another, and I admit that there are times when peace is hard to find. I do not want to down play seasons of sorrow, but I do want to encourage a path through. God would show up to me in the darkest of hours and though I still had to walk through the valley of grief, sorrow and pain He covered me with His presence, and that presence brought peace in a variety of ways—sleep when I needed, or a friend to talk to, a Bible verse of hope, a prayer with power, a song that spoke encouragement into my soul, a provision I needed, a pocket of peace when coming unglued. Even when I stood at the top of a cliff ready to jump God stirred up a blast of warm wind that literally pushed me back from the edge and brought me to my senses. I would not be here today but for the peace of Yahweh-Shalom. Peace enough to keep me walking until life became easier once again.

Here are some promises you can count on.

Psalm 29:11 "The Lord blesses his people with peace. NIV

Isaiah 26:12 "Lord, you establish peace for us." NIV

Number 6:24-26 is a prayer of peace. "The Lord bless you and keep you: the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord turn His face towards you and give you peace." NIV

Take time this week to call upon Jehovah-Shalom, especially if times are tough. Pray these Scriptures in confidence. You are a child of Yahweh-Shalom and as His child the gift of peace is yours.

As with any gift we have to open it, accept it, and use it. If I get a new coat for my Birthday and the days turn chilly as they are with winter baring down, but I never put that coat on, I will remain cold. The gift of peace works the same. I thank God and accept the gift because God says peace is mine. I tell fear to move on out. By putting this gift of peace to use battling everyday trials my faith grows, and going to God for peace becomes natural the next time fear comes knocking.

Hebrews 13:20, 21 Is a beautiful prayer I leave with you to pray over yourself and your family this week.

"May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the Sheep, equip you with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen." NIV

1) Elohim - God    October 1, 2018

2) Abba Father   October 15, 2018

3) El Shaddai   October 22, 2018

4) The Truth   October 28, 2018

5) The Alpha & Omega   Nov. 5, 2018

6) Yahweh-Shalom   Nov. 12, 2018

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Comments 1

Super User

on Wednesday, 14 November 2018 09:42

In those times where it is hard to find peace is so true, yet I'm always amazed at how the peace IS there, but we can't completely see it because of the fog we are in. Once we come out of that fog, we look back and see how God pulled us through the fog. Thank you for sharing, as it touched one heart today.

Blossom, In those times where it is hard to find peace is so true, yet I'm always amazed at how the peace IS there, but we can't completely see it because of the fog we are in. Once we come out of that fog, we look back and see how God pulled us through the fog. Thank you for sharing, as it touched one heart today.
Monday, 03 March 2025

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