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IMG_3076 The God of All Comfort


One of God's wonderful names which displays His character and love towards humanity is the Father of Compassion, and The God of all Comfort.

Why does this world need a God of All Comfort?

Shocking news of shooting after shooting hit the airwaves in a recent ten-day span.

-Synagogue in Pittsburgh PA, 11 died. A hate crime against Jews.

-Yoga studio in Tallahassee FL, 2 women died … the shooter had made numerous posts of his hatred toward women. A hate crime against women.

-Supermarket in Jeffersontown KY, 2 black people died. The shooter was reported to have walked right by white people spouting "whites don't kill whites" then proceeded to gun down two black people, one in the store and one in the parking lot. A hate crime against black people.

- And most recently a bar in Thousand Oaks California where 12 people died and the killer posted on Instagram while he was in the midst of shooting people, "Fact is I had no reason to do it … life is boring so why not?"

Schools, churches, supermarkets, malls, exercise studios, concert venues, bars, etc. there is no safe haven from hate.

A grim statistic. A mass shooting by definition has to involve 4 or more deaths, and 307 fit that category in the states so far in 2018. This is a minimum of 1,228 dead people but in reality, far more… two of the above shootings wouldn't be counted in these stats. The States are not alone ... just turn on the news.

The amount of suffering, grief and sorrow to families and friends of the deceased is unmeasurable. The tears will continue to fill buckets. After losing a very close family member to an accident, I know what grief feels like. However, to have such senseless killing is beyond imaginable. My heart bleeds for those who have lost loved ones, and for the sheer damage done in the minds of those who have witnessed and survived this kind of terror.

We need a God of All Comfort. The world has gone crazy with hate/sin filled crimes and the excuses we make for the killers under the umbrella of mental illness—bipolar disorder, PTSD, Schizophrenia, Psychosis, etc. is of no comfort to the suffering families, nor is it the full story. I agree, these individuals are not of sound mind, but who and what is controlling their mind is a better question to ask. This world refuses to acknowledge truth. There is a God of love and there is devil of hate. Humanity has free will to choose which master they will serve. These massacres are clearly a horror motivated by hate—or by sin given the liberty to grow large, (like killing because one is bored.) This is the work of Satan.

However,  there is a message of hope much stronger than enmity. Love is far more powerful than hate. God is the answer to the human heart, both one that hates or bleeds. He cares. He has compassion. He is the God of all comfort.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 gives words of encouragement. "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God." NIV


Enough said about the crazy escalation of hate crimes that give evidence of both good and evil in this world. I will just state the truth straight up. There is a God, and there is Satan. There is good, and there is evil. There is right and there is wrong. There is pain and there is comfort. Let's focus on the comfort.

Jesus said, "In this world you will have trouble." (John 16:33) He never tried to skirt around the fact this is a world with good and bad, easy and tough, happy and sad. He said, "Take heart! I have overcome the world." NIV This means that no matter what happens there is a God who is greater than the sorrow. He can administer comfort when most needed.

Call out to "The God of All Comfort," or the "Father of Compassion," and test for yourself. He will show up. You will feel His comfort envelop you like warm arms, and His love surround you with unexplainable compassion.

No, not all your grief will be eliminated, for we are not in heaven yet. However, if you believe, a day will come when all tears and pain will be wiped away forever. That's a promise.


If things are going good in your life then rejoice and be thankful, but heed these words of wisdom. "2 Corinthians 1:4. "… comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God." NIV

We are to comfort one another. "Rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn." Rom. 12:15 NIV We are not to be self-centered where life is all about us, but instead be the hands and feet of Jesus reaching out to those who suffer.

When sorrow hits our life, we can call upon the name "God of All Comfort," for Ps. 116:3-5 says, "… I was overcome by trouble and sorrow. Then I called on the name of the Lord: 'O Lord, save me.' The Lord is gracious and righteous Our God is full of compassion." NIV

Is. 61:2 says that Jesus came …"to comfort all who mourn." NIV

In Mt. 5:4 Jesus says "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."NIV

God is in the business of administering comfort and compassion. I remember how when I walked through the valley of grief and sorrow and at times felt abandoned or misunderstood, how when I leaned on God, He truly did comfort me. Jeremiah 8:18 is an honest cry that any of us can pray in that season of grief. "Oh my Comforter in sorrow, my heart is faint within me, listen to my cry."NIV

May you find comfort today as you pray these words for yourself or for someone else.

Come to me Oh God of all Comfort. Come to me Father of Compassion. 

1) Elohim - God October 1, 2018

2) Abba Father October 15, 2018

3) El Shaddai October 22, 2018

4) The Truth October 28, 2018

5) The Alpha & Omega Nov. 5, 2018

6) Jehovah-Shalom Nov. 12, 2018

7) God of All Comfort Nov. 19,2018

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