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Who wants this story?

Who sets out on their wedding day with dreams of sadness, betrayal and adultery in mind? What, you say, that would be crazy? Yes, of course it is, but the sad reality is that way too many relationships have memories they would love to obliterate.

That's the way I feel. I would love to pretend that I have a fairy tale life, a happily-ever-after, nothing but a happy-go-lucky existence, but that would be a lie. Betrayal is the shackle I have tried to shake but for reasons bigger than a perfect story, God has allowed me to experience numerous scenarios.

I have a story with light and dark, thin places and crushing disappointments, and you may too.

Most every life can identify with some sort of betrayal from gossip, childhood abuse, to prayer partners breaking confidence, a doctor's wrong diagnosis and suffering for 5 years with chronic pain, friends or siblings that turn away, money stolen or not repaid, employees or employers that don’t live up to their word, or the pain of adultery in a relationship, …but how about having all of that happen?

Now if the sorrow of betrayal was all I could write about that would be too sad for words, and one would have to wonder what I did to invite all those scenarios, but could the suffering of betrayal have happened for a greater purpose?

What about the purpose of learning how to forgive as God has forgiven me?

Or…what about for the very purpose of encouraging you today?

A deep desire grips my heart because I know what a broken heart feels like... and I will do everything within my power with honest revelation to help others in their time of need. A kind word of hope. A lunch just to listen and show love.  A prayer. Would I care as deeply if my life had been peachy? I dare say not.

I speak openly and honestly of the pain. But I don’t camp there...I speak openly and honestly about the hope that lives beyond the darkness. God will take even the darkest of hours, when evil has prevailed and turn it around to be used for good if we allow Him in instead of bitterness.

I long to fill you with hope, and ask you to believe this will not always hurt like you do today. If only a smidgen of hope touches your soul and helps you through yet another day, it is enough.

Proverbs 25:20 says: Like one who takes away a garment on a cold day, or like vinegar poured on soda, is one who sings songs to a heavy heart.
So I will not sing you a song oh dear one with a heavy heart, but I will cover you in prayer and send healing words your way.

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Suffering-blessing or curse?


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Wednesday, 26 March 2025

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