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Each life, each placement in time and territory, each story, is uniquely and divinely appointed.

Do you believe you have influence in your world?

Do you believe you have love and wisdom to share and impart?

Do you believe God knows exactly what you are going through, and though He may not remove your troubling circumstances, He has promised His unfailing love and peace?

Isaiah 54:10 says, “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills removed, (in other words, your world turned upside down) yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace removed,” Says the Lord, who has compassion on you.
In my past, there were many days of sorrow in which I begged God to remove the pain. He was more concerned in what the pain was doing within me and for me, than in removing the pain.

How is this compassionate you ask? How is this loving?

I now understand…there is a world of need bigger than my immediate relief of pain. There is a purpose that transcends my puny understanding. My story, your story, is meant to touch others through the gift of understanding…and understanding is often wrought through the crucible of pain.

Your story is unique and valuable because of the joy and the sorrow. Your power of influence touches a realm of souls unlike any other human being on earth.

Think about that! I don’t know the people you know, and you don’t know the people I know, and there is no other person on earth who has met exactly the same people you interact with.

In other words…your story is powerful. Use it for God’s glory…and never underestimate the power of the difficult in your life to profoundly encourage another soul far more than the happy seasons of life.

One thing I have learned when looking into the face of pain. No two stories are the same, but they melt into each other through the gift of listening. Let all explanations remain silent. Look deeply into the eyes of the one who suffers. Visit their pain. Let them share their story. Show compassion and love, and don't stop until they believe they are not alone.

Could it be your unique experience is the only story that can speak to that special someone God wants you to reach?

Could it be in God’s upside down economy…pain is the greater blessing???

"But…but," you cry…(as I did many times), "I need this pain to stop."

Could it be that in eternity the great equalizer will take place, and the first shall be last, the last first; those with an easy life have had their blessing and those who have suffered much receive a richer reward?

For your answer read the Word of God for an authority much greater than mine.

Matthew 19:30,

Matthew 16:27,

2 Corinthians 4:16&17,

Hebrews 13:15,

I Corinthians 3:7&8,

Colossians 3:23&24,

Revelation 22:12,

1 Peter 4:12&13

Hebrews 2:10

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Between Two Friends
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