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Sleep Deprivation - Is This Your Battle?


Journal Entry February 19, 2008
I had another wretched sleep last night and wonder how I’ll go on at this rate. I long for those nights of endless slumber where sleep was sweet and not tortured. The fact my emotions are all over the map and I feel like I’m going nuts may be related to sleep deprivation as readily as my hellish existence.
Prior to revelation I slept peacefully while my guilt-ridden husband tossed and turned upon his bed. How the tables have turned. The weight of truth brought sorrow, and sorrow brought insomnia. Sleep eludes me. How am I going to cope?
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After the revelation of my husband's betrayal, a chaotic pattern of short bursts of sleep interspersed with many tear-filled moments became the norm. After five months, I began to worry that my sleeping patterns would never return to normal. Insomnia had set in and though I had never been one to take medication lightly, I knew I had to consider the option.

Finally I went to my doctor. She was shocked for a few reasons: One that I had gone so long dealing with insomnia and two that I was battling depression without coming to see her. (I will write about depression in the following weeks.)

She normally prescribed a sleeping aid while dealing with the initial shock of adultery. However, because I was well past that point she remained reluctant because they easily become addictive.

To determine if my sleep was slowly improving she asked me to write down the hours slept and keep track of the times I woke up. If I could not chart a small improvement every week, than medication would be considered. Thankfully I noted small increments of change for the better.

It took a full year and a half to resume normal sleeping patterns, but thank the good Lord His healing was complete, including the ability to once again sleep peacefully and pain free. He will do the same for you, but don’t be afraid to get the professional help you need. There are times medication is both helpful and necessary.

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From My Children's Perspective.
To Help or Hinder your Healing From Betrayal - Cho...

Comments 2

Guest - June Oelke on Wednesday, 07 August 2013 04:44

Firstly, THANK YOU, Blossom and David for spilling your very emotional story onto pages with conviction, hopes, and prayers that others will find their way back from a dark tunnel towards healed hearts. Honesty and transparency is the window into healing broken hearts.
Secondly, Josh and Ally, I am SO proud of you guys for the way you've articulated your feelings during a time that was indeed devastating for you and yet you've proven that forgiveness has the power to mend beyond our wildest imaginations. There is no shame in sharing and standing on the front lines for your parents and the Turner name. I truly admire you all.
As one of Blossom's sister's (sixth in line to the throne, LOL!), I had both the sorrow and the joy of walking this road with their family. I spent countless hours crying, walking and listening to my sister as she was swept away into deep sadness over the events that unfolded before her and David. But over time I watched, and literally traveled, thousands of miles with them as they wound their way back through the valley and up the mountain as they forgave, prayed and pursued God's heart for their marriage.
Just recently I had the honor of listening to Blossom as she shared her story to a women's group at her first public speaking engagement. It was amazing! And I am proud to be her sister. I am proud that she can speak out against the deepest betrayal and yet the most profound healing all in the same story. This is a work of the Lord and truly a modern day miracle. God is so good!
To anyone who is struggling with this story and perhaps feeling shamed because of your name being linked to it, I would say, "link arms with David, Blossom, Josh and Ally for even a day and you would be so deeply moved by their story and unconditional love that I can guarantee you'd change your heart/mind".
NEVER stop telling your story, Blossom. I know it takes great courage for all of you to share but you ARE impacting lives for Jesus...and that's what matters MOST!
Much love,

Firstly, THANK YOU, Blossom and David for spilling your very emotional story onto pages with conviction, hopes, and prayers that others will find their way back from a dark tunnel towards healed hearts. Honesty and transparency is the window into healing broken hearts. Secondly, Josh and Ally, I am SO proud of you guys for the way you've articulated your feelings during a time that was indeed devastating for you and yet you've proven that forgiveness has the power to mend beyond our wildest imaginations. There is no shame in sharing and standing on the front lines for your parents and the Turner name. I truly admire you all. As one of Blossom's sister's (sixth in line to the throne, LOL!), I had both the sorrow and the joy of walking this road with their family. I spent countless hours crying, walking and listening to my sister as she was swept away into deep sadness over the events that unfolded before her and David. But over time I watched, and literally traveled, thousands of miles with them as they wound their way back through the valley and up the mountain as they forgave, prayed and pursued God's heart for their marriage. Just recently I had the honor of listening to Blossom as she shared her story to a women's group at her first public speaking engagement. It was amazing! And I am proud to be her sister. I am proud that she can speak out against the deepest betrayal and yet the most profound healing all in the same story. This is a work of the Lord and truly a modern day miracle. God is so good! To anyone who is struggling with this story and perhaps feeling shamed because of your name being linked to it, I would say, "link arms with David, Blossom, Josh and Ally for even a day and you would be so deeply moved by their story and unconditional love that I can guarantee you'd change your heart/mind". NEVER stop telling your story, Blossom. I know it takes great courage for all of you to share but you ARE impacting lives for Jesus...and that's what matters MOST! Much love, June.
Guest - Donna on Friday, 17 April 2015 00:08

Wow what a beautiful testimony from our dear sister June.

Wow what a beautiful testimony from our dear sister June.
Wednesday, 26 March 2025

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