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Ever Changing Life

Life has taken an unexpected turn. I am currently thrust into full time work at a doctor’s office. The money will be a blessing, but the gift of precious time severely restricted.Happier times once again!I look at this opportunity with a purpose in mind…there is reason God has presented this job. Not one thing happens by chance, therefore I open my eyes. I wait. I pray. I listen.This job dictates ...

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Encouragement For Today

I pray  you will find encouragement today …in that deepest part of your aching spirit. May a message of hope be found in these following verses.Isaiah 35:1-6 The desert and the parched land will be glad: the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom: it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. …Strengthen the feeble hands, steady the knees that give way; say to ...

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How Did I Not Know?

Like me you may wonder how you did not know that betrayal lived right beneath your nose. It is a reasonable question.Why didn’t I know? How did I miss the signs? What could I have done differently?Second-guessing myself became a perpetual thought process in the aftermath. I wanted to understand how adultery happened even while I blissfully believed I had a great marriage, great sex life, and great...

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I Will Never Trust Again!

“IN THE MOMENT” Every Monday I will include a journal entry of when I lived in that place of acute pain from betrayal. I include this raw and very personal reflection for one purpose only, to set the “before and after” stage. Every Wednesday I will tackle the subject of Monday's journal entry from a healed perspective. My hope and prayer is that these two drastically different scenarios will insti...

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Healing from Betrayal that Zaps the Life Out of You

Spring—that time of year when trees blossom, bluebirds sing, and buttercups burst forth through darkened soil. A feeling of renewed hope fills most every heart…most every heart perhaps—except for yours?Yes, I’ve been there… in that place where not even buttercups, bluebirds, or blossoming trees evoke hope. I have lived in the dark, though full sunshine streams down. I have felt abject loneliness, ...

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