Dear Reader,The next stretch is extremely busy for me. Our business in spring is full on. We work long, long days everyday of the week except Sunday. This being the case I find it hard to find the time to write.. On top of this we have to move in the month of June and I have to find time to pack each evening. In saying all this, please know I haven't given up on this blog, but am realistically hav...
Dandelions...weed or flower, YOU CHOOSE!
- Blossom Turner
- Life Lesson
- 3694 Hits
Through the eyes of child a Dandelion holds color,Through the eyes of child a gift to a mother;Through the eyes of a gardener the dandelion holds seeds,No value, no beauty, nothing but weeds.A flower so beautiful, chubby hands hold tight,A rare treasure to place in water and guard through the night;Through the eyes of an adult, the Dandelion must die,Rush to the store, a pesticide to buy.Through...
Come with me...
Nature is God's balm, His infusion of love in an often cruel world.Come, let's walk together...may these photos and the detail of God's creation bring balance and perspective to your day as it did to mine.Today out in God's creation I found solace, peace and was given a gentle reminder...Here is what God showed me.The bud of a leaf... Daffodils in the neighbors yard...My walk took me from the...
- Blossom Turner
- Life Lesson
- 3086 Hits
- 1 Comment
How does one take the mundane out of just another day? NO… it’s not winning the lottery. It is a process I call salt and pepper…a dash of goodness and a sprinkle of generosity added to any day, any time.Let me explain!A work day, a toothless man, and an opportunity.Saying good bye to a friend, I opened the door of our store and stepped out. Inhaling the crisp spring air felt cleansing after the li...
- Blossom Turner
- Life Lesson
- 3208 Hits
Ever since I was a child…as far back as my memory goes, I remember that flicker of excitement within when I would catch my first glimpse of the bright yellow Buttercup flower. It signified that spring had FINALLY won the battle over winter.I don’t often get time to walk these day, but being Sunday I stole a half hour of fresh air with my lab Lyla and off we went. She raced around in sheer delight ...
The Winds of Change
- Blossom Turner
- Life Lesson
- 3317 Hits
Today is my 100th post, and I feel a distinct need to change the focus of this blog. I will forever and always have a heart for those who suffer betrayal and are in the process of healing, but the winds of change are blowing through my life. A dominant message and theme emerges...Interactive ways in which to make our world a more positive place.I need your story and would love to hear from you the...
The past number of weeks in my blogs we discussed the sovereignty of God and the question whether He could be trusted when circumstances are difficult. To sum up the message, I would like you to consider reading a portion of the Bible to solidify the concept of a God who has all in control, at all times.Start in Genesis and read the story of Joseph, my all time favorite Bible character. He was fai...
Your Inner Healing Depends Upon This Truth...Part 10 Conclusion
Thanks for joining me while I work through posting a chapter of my book called “Friendly Fire.” This chapter primarily deals with the difficulty of trusting in a good God when life is not good. If you have not read my blogs before, please go back to Part 1 and begin there for greater clarity.My healing could not move forward until I accepted the sovereignty of God. When I did, the “why” questions...
Thanks for joining me while I work through posting a chapter of my book called “Friendly Fire.” This chapter primarily deals with the difficulty of trusting in a good God when life is not good. If you have not read my blogs before, please go back to Part 1 and begin there for greater clarity.The hard work of accepting God's sovereignty began on those sun-drenched beaches of Australia, cradled in ...
Thanks for joining me while I work through posting a chapter of my book called “Friendly Fire.” This chapter primarily deals with the difficulty of trusting in a good God when life is not good. If you have not read my blogs before, please go back a few weeks to Part 1 and begin there for greater clarity.GOD’S SOVEREIGNTYDuring my time in Australia, God supplied a stress free rest filled with rela...
How Sky-Diving Helped Restore Trust In God. Part 7
- Blossom Turner
- Journal Entry
- 3064 Hits
Thanks for joining me while I work through posting a chapter of my book called “Friendly Fire.” This chapter primarily deals with the difficulty of trusting in a good God when life is not good. If you have not read my blogs before, please go back a few weeks to Part 1 and begin there for greater clarity.This next portion is a journal entry written after I went sky-diving in Australia.January 20, ...
In God We Trust...But Do We? Part 6
- Blossom Turner
- Life Lesson
- 4178 Hits
Thanks for joining me while I work through posting a chapter of my book called “Friendly Fire.” This chapter primarily deals with the difficulty of trusting in a good God when life is not good. If you have not read my blogs before, please go back a few weeks to Part 1 and begin there for greater clarity. My time in Australia took on a new face. Grief faded. Anger visited, but trust bec...
How Do I Trust Again? Part 5
Dear reader, as you can see by the title this is an on-going series. If you have joined today, please go to the bottom and click on previous posts and begin at part 1 for greater clarity and benefit.HOW DO I TRUST AGAIN?I understand now that a big part of my wanting to know why David strayed was my attempt to control the future. I believed that if I understood his reasoning, then I could ensure a...
Australia, the land of my healing. Part 4
Dear reader, as you can see by the title this is an on-going series. If you have joined today, please go to the bottom and click on previous posts and begin at part 1 for greater clarity and benefit.AUSTRALIA, THE LAND OF MY HEALINGWhen I left for Australia, I understood very little of why this time away was important. Though I hugely benefited from the physical and emotional rest, over time the ...
Would God lead me away for a season? Part 3
Join me for the next few weeks while I post a chapter of my book called "Friendly Fire." This chapter primarily deals with the difficulty of trusting in a good God when life is not good. If you have not read my blogs before, please go back a few weeks to Part 1 and begin there for greater clarity.November 8, 2008 (One year post revelation) Journal EntryI feel God’s direction, his hand in this pla...
- Blossom Turner
- Healing Hand of God
- God Cares
- 3063 Hits
In Pastor Brian Jones book, Getting rid of the Gorilla, he describes how distancing ourselves geographically can allow space to regroup and heal. He gave the Biblical account in Acts 15:36-41 where Paul and Mark had a “sharp disagreement” and went their separate ways. He states, “I wonder if sometimes the only way to move past a traumatic event and heal is to put a literal ocean between our hearts...
FOR THE NEXT NUMBER OF WEEKS I AM GOING TO FOLLOW THROUGH A CHAPTER OF MY BOOK DEALING PRIMARILY WITH SPIRITUAL HEALING AND HOW TO BELIEVE IN A GOOD GOD WHEN LIFE IS NOT GOOD.SOMETIMES A BREAK IS NECESSARY—CREATE TIME, SPACE, EVEN DISTANCEThat first year after disclosure, passed in a daze. I worked through the shock first November through March. In April I moved out of our home into my own apar...
- Blossom Turner
- Disappointed in Life?
- 3151 Hits
The holidays come with expectations rarely met. The Hallmark commercials, the Christmas movies and carols ring out…“Here we are as in olden days, happy golden days of yore, faithful friends who are dear to us, gather near to us once more…City sidewalks, busy sidewalks, dressed in holiday style, people laughing, people passing, meeting smile after smile…It's the most wonderful time of the year, the...
Part 2...Christmas Letter...After the healing!
If you have not read last weeks entry, this week will not make much sense, so please read that first. (Go to the bottom and click on Previous Post.) The whole objective here is to paint a before and after picture. It is to give hope to those suffering from the pain of betrayal this Christmas believing they will forever be changed for the worst.This is not the case when God heals the broken heart. ...
Part 1...Christmas letter...Before the healing!
Dear Reader,Sorry I have not been available the past few weeks, we received a much needed holiday and rest. I came back feeling re-energized, re-focused and refreshed. However, from past experience, I know the pain of betrayal does not take a holiday. Thus, the next two weeks before Christmas, I will depict a before and after scenario...the pain I felt that first Christmas, and the healing that h...
- Blossom Turner
- Healing Hand of God
- 3199 Hits
I read an article in the paper today from “Annie’s Mailbox,” entitled “Trust Is Hard To Earn After Partner’s Affair. I just wanted to hug this dear woman who signed herself as “Broken in Omaha” and assure her there is hope of healing. She had none.She had chosen to stay in the marriage after her husband’s affair, but describes herself today as one who is broken and cannot heal. “It is the most pai...
- Blossom Turner
- God Cares
- 3174 Hits
When a couple marries the dream is this…a life-time of love and support. Rarely do people marry with the thought of divorce, except for those previously jaded.Every little girl dreams of a flowing white dress, and then sailing off into the sunset with a man who will love, protect and cherish her as the most special woman in the world. Likewise, she will respect and honor him in return.Fast forward...
- Blossom Turner
- Life Lesson
- 3010 Hits
Firstly, I want to thank those who spared the time to write and encourage me onward. It is encouraging to know there are those receiving help and hope in reading this blog, and in dealing with betrayal.Now I want to tell you a little story…a true story.At a Sunday dinner, my adult daughter casually blurts out that she had ran into the woman who had an affair with my husband. (My children knew her ...
- Blossom Turner
- Healing Hand of God
- 3255 Hits
IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THERE? Time is a precious commodity…a gift.Sadly my life has taken a turn I never asked for, nor wanted, and days fly by in stolen fashion.The business we bought sucks the life out of us and eats up a large portion of our day. We are caught in a vortex much like I would imagine the black hole in space…(a region of space having a gravitational field so intense that no matt...
- Blossom Turner
- Life Lesson
- God Cares
- 3098 Hits
DOES PRAYER WORK?To be honest, I had misgivings regarding the validity of prayer after I found out about adultery in my marriage. I could not believe where I found my life after so many years of praying. I wondered what good they had accomplished? I asked God some tough questions. I wanted to know how it all worked. If God would not answer my heart-felt prayers because my husband had the free will...
I'll Pray for YOU!
- Blossom Turner
- Healing Hand of God
- 3029 Hits
This is a song for all those suffering...write to me and I promise I will pray for you. Though Jesus has healed the broken, I will never forget the pain...never cease to understand. My mandate from Jesus is to show love, give hope and pray for all of you walking the road of betrayal.Listen to this song done by the Gaither Vocal Band and have hope...
Verbal and emotional abuse is one of the hardest types of abuse to recognize…most people understand physical abuse, however emotional abuse can be disguised in a plethora of ways but equally as damaging. So I thought it best to start with the definition of abuse before tackling the subject of extending grace.Abuse is defined in the dictionary as…1) To use wrongly or improperly; misuse: to abuse o...
Depression can creep into the soul unaware. Sad happenings tend to invite this beast. Suddenly you wake up and find the darkness overwhelming, all joy stolen. You turn the light on, but the gloom does not lift. The sun rises, but there is no warmth. Sadness demands not just a portion of your life, but life itself.With depression edging in, my physician asked some pertinent questions and carefully ...
- Blossom Turner
- Life Lesson
- 2955 Hits
COMMIT TO A WEEKLY PAMPERI know it’s strange to think of pampering oneself in the midst of crisis, but it has a definite cathartic benefit.Your reserves are low, your immune system is taxed due to stress, and your body is physically struggling to maintain health. A weekly massage, bubble bath with relaxing therapeutic oils, lunch out with a good friend, or taking time to read an encouraging book, ...
THE IMPORTANCE OF A HEALTHY DIETI am not a certified nutritionist, but as a Personal Trainer have taken numerous courses on this subject. Choosing to eat healthy is important during times of high stress. Many of us will do the opposite and turn to comfort foods (high in sodium, sugar and fat) or not eat at all. Both scenarios are destructive over time. For the first few months after disclosure I d...
Emotional Health
- Blossom Turner
- Life Lesson
- 2907 Hits
FIND A GOOD COUNSELORPreserving emotional health during your time of crisis involves reaching out for help. As with the old adage, it takes a village to raise a child, so it is with emotional healing. This is not something you should tackle alone. Isolation creates problems.It may prove difficult finding positive avenues of support, but it is crucial. Consider talking to a pastor, certified counse...
From My Children's Perspective.
- Blossom Turner
- Before and After
- Life Lesson
- 2794 Hits
I have had numerous positive responses to my blog and few negatives, but this negative response got me thinking...I had of course received my husband and adult children's blessing before ever starting such a web site and it was for the very love of God and love of people I opened a very personal struggle up to the public. Sadly when we were in the midst of our pain we were shocked to find little ...
Sleep Deprivation - Is This Your Battle?
SLEEP DEPRIVATION AND A VISIT TO THE PHYSICIANJournal Entry February 19, 2008 I had another wretched sleep last night and wonder how I’ll go on at this rate. I long for those nights of endless slumber where sleep was sweet and not tortured. The fact my emotions are all over the map and I feel like I’m going nuts may be related to sleep deprivation as readily as my hellish existence.Prior to revela...
To Help or Hinder your Healing From Betrayal - Choices!
- Blossom Turner
- Life Lesson
- 2680 Hits
“Health is a large word. It embraces not the body only, but the mind and spirit as well;…and not today’s pain or pleasure alone, but the whole being and outlook of a man.” ~James H. West[i] Betrayal at any level places a lot of stress on the body. In order to stay healthy during these times, physical, emotional, and spiritual self-care is essential. This is easy to overlook, but crucial to your he...
Pride...Who Me?
Journal Entry August 18, 2008 What to do with this thing called pride? It’s so demoralizing to face the fact that I wasn’t enough to keep my husband happy. I want to change my body, change my life and change my address. Instead God asks me to stay and work through the wreckage.This pride prickles beneath the skin, with Satan only too happy to poke away reminding me “of what people will think.” At ...
- Blossom Turner
- Life Lesson
- Journal Entry
- 3007 Hits
Interview with Elin Nordegren, now ex-wife of Tiger Woods.“The divorce came nine months after Tiger Woods' early morning car crash late last November led to revelations that he had been cheating on his wife of six years with multiple partners. Before Wednesday, Elin Nordegren had remained silent about the massive sex scandal that embroiled their lives and led to Woods dropping off the golf circuit...
A Song When You Can't Sing
- Blossom Turner
- Healing Hand of God
- 2762 Hits
Here is a song when you are too burdened to sing. May this beautiful gift of music by Chris Tomlin bless and give you hope enough to let your faith arise. And to all you fellow Canadians...Happy Canada Day. May we thank the Lord for the many blessings we enjoy in this beautiful country we call home.Below are some of my favorite Canadian Flag pho...
- Blossom Turner
- Disappointed in Life?
- 2641 Hits
After a speaking engagement this past week, I have talked to numerous ladies about this very thing - huge life disappointments.I too am currently in the midst of a big disappointment. After a number of years of my husband looking for work or a new business, we finally jumped in. The business we bought has turned out to be all consuming. There are major problems to fix. What we were told, is not wh...
The Challenge of Communication after Betrayal
- Blossom Turner
- Before and After
- 2629 Hits
Last week I started a journal entry on how challenging communication is after betrayal...If you are just joining my blog please read last week first.JOURNAL CONTINUATION...The minute we got home, we both went our separate ways. Sleep evaded me so I opted to pray instead. It was one of those times the Spirit of God felt close.“What God? I cried into the darkness. "Can’t I just go to sleep and never...
I'm Still in this Marriage...but we can't talk anymore.
COMMUNICATION: WE CAN’T TALK WITHOUT FIGHTING!In the next few weeks I will write how difficult communication was after the damage of infidelity. I include this very personal journal entry for two reasons: to share honesty the damage done, and to give hope that healing is possible. Whether you choose to stay in the marriage or leave, healthy communication is essential especially if children are inv...
I have been working 12 hour days, six days a week and Sunday is my only day to unwind, schedule nothing, and as I wrote last week – BREATHE. I have to say since we bought this business, Sunday’s have never been more precious.Then…A friend calls!She needs immediate help. She is in crisis.My first reaction deep within, in that place no one sees but God, was reluctance. I just didn’t have time.I imme...
- Blossom Turner
- Life Lesson
- 2963 Hits
- 1 Comment
WHEN LIFE IS TOO BUSY TO BREATHEI have been working tirelessly at a new business my husband and I recently acquired. Too many hours in a day demanded. Too many days of the week spent. Too many weeks of the year evaporate into thin air. Gone!So today I decided to purposefully take time to reflect, to ponder, to quiet my racing soul. For the stress levels were rising and my spirit felt disjointed an...
Alone on the Edge
- Blossom Turner
- God Cares
- 2888 Hits
- 1 Comment
I titled this picture "Alone on the Edge"Do you feel alone, afraid, uncertain of your future? Do you feel sad, torn, tortured? Like this tree battling the elements without the comfort of a forest, there is a way to stay strong and tenacious in the midst of turmoil. I encourage you with these simple words of truth.YOU ARE NOT ALONEGOD CARESHE SEES EACH FALLING TEARHE HOLDS EACH TORTURED MOMENT CRAD...
Let the Waters Rise!
- Blossom Turner
- Healing Hand of God
- 2894 Hits
Sometimes waters rise to the point you feel you may drown. For many months I could not sing, forced a fake smile upon my lips and when alone...I cried an ocean.Music left me.My voice grew silent.Thankfully my ears still found solace and comfort in listening to words of encouragement through song.So dear friend... if you find yourself in that place where waters run deep and all there is left in li...
- Blossom Turner
- Disappointed in Life?
- 2679 Hits
DECISION-MAKINGBefore infidelity happened in my marriage, I believed as most do, that the transgressor deserves all he or she gets, including divorce papers. Furthering this mindset was the fact I had repeatedly warned David infidelity would be a deal breaker. I was adamant that there would be no mercy for such disgraceful disrespect, especially considering what I had seen as a child.Splashed on t...
It Feels Like Someone Has Died!
GRIEF COUNT THE LOSS The risk of love is loss, and the price of loss is grief- But the pain of grief is only a shadow When compared with the pain of never risking love ~Hilary Stanton Zunin “To spare oneself from grief at all cost can be achieved only at the price of total detachment, which excludes the ability to experience happiness.” ~Erich Fromm~ IT FEELS LIKE SOMEONE HAS DIED “Job open...
Why take time for relationship with God?
- Blossom Turner
- Healing Hand of God
- 2696 Hits
Why have a relationship with God? When times are good a thanks into the heavens is enough, isn't it?When times turn tough, what then?Do we blame God for our circumstances? Does our belief in God fade away? Like the house built upon the sand will the storm blast in and wash our weak foundational faith out to sea where all that remains is grit, salty tears and bitterness? we choose to pursue ...
I Am In Shock - What Now?
- Blossom Turner
- Disappointed in Life?
- 2828 Hits
I AM IN SHOCK – WHAT NOW?Though healing has long since taken place from that cold October day when I first found out about betrayal in my marriage, in looking back, the startling vacillation of emotions depicted within one journal entry never cease to amaze me. What a variety of responses: shock, disbelief, anger, bitter disappointment, sorrow, grief, self-pity, and even empathy. Depression follow...
One Word Encapsulates How One Feels After The Truth Of Betrayal Is Revealed - SHOCK!
SHOCK - HOW CAN THIS BE?A season of shock is expected after disclosure and is the first hurtle to jump after any type of betrayal is revealed. We feel betrayed because we believed that person incapable of their stunning behavior and their lack of concern for how it impacts our life.During my season of shock I faded in and out of reality. For a while I was in such pain, I could barely eat, sleep, o...
That's What Faith Can Do!
- Blossom Turner
- Disappointed in Life?
- 2743 Hits
Without faith in the tough times...we bend and collapse under the weight of sorrow and disappointment. May this song bring hope to your soul and encouragement when you do not understand the circumstances of your life. For truly there are times when the "WHY" cannot be answered,the "WHEN" cannot be foretold ,and the "HOW" lies only in the power of God to sustain us.My prayer is that you have the fa...